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So I have this too and I have just saved €7 on my last purchase at a purchase of about €60 that are almost 10%. I think that’s a lot to put an app down.
And well then the argument comes with collecting data but that makes the companies anyway somehow and well you can never really get rid of it once you have a smartphone.
I think it’s worth it. Often there are free items. And for a certain value purchased 4 Euro deduction.
The Lidl Plus items are just reduced compared to the normal price and I find it convenient to have all the cash cards in the app.
With any thing from Parkside, my husband bought it twice, we saved a total of 30 euros as opposed to without app.
I have never received any unwanted advertisements from Lidl, even not by email.
Sometimes I saved a few cents, I don’t really need the ticket on my phone. I often forget to let the app scan. I benefited more from Payback.
If there are certain discounts when you buy regularly there, it can be worth paying cashlessly with Lidl Pay, digital cash bonus
Lidl and Lidl Plus are worth it