Wie funktioniert genau die gleiche Anleitung für Coinbase?
#8 Trust your Universe (TYU) Auszahlungen über Binance mit BTC (Bitcoin) – YouTube
Der macht das ganze über Binance ich habe aber Coinbase.
Wie funktioniert genau die gleiche Vorangehensweise nur eben bei Coinbase?
At Coinbase, the procedure is exactly the same, if necessary only in German, if you have put the language in German.
I need a certain address, this is shown in the video, but how do I get to this address at Coinbase? An address for bitcoins to keep the bitcoins from TYU.
Don’t blame me, but this is so easy at Coinbase and a short Google search provides a detailed guide [1]. If that’s too complicated for you, you better leave your fingers off. This isn’t mean bad and my impression because you could have figured out that loosely yourself (what can quickly lead to loss of money).
[1] https://help.coinbase.com/de/coinbase/trading-and-funding/cryptocurrency-trading-pairs/how-to-send-and-receive-cryptocurrency
In which you open the bitcoin wallet there and press on reception, then it would have to give the one address