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1 year ago

How does water cooling work?

Basically just like air cooling, only with the extra step you use water to transport the energy from the heat source to the cooling fins.

… The water line thus assumes the same task as the heatpipes in air coolers

And why is it so efficient as air cooling?

In cooling to make more efficient, you can play effectively with 2 variable:

  • The temperature difference
  • And the surface

Clearly your cooling becomes more effective when it gets cooler air from outside the housing. Zb through a housing with good airflow or… by stalking the cooling fins so this looks like the fresh air from outside.

And the topic more surface… Such a radiator can easily be made bigger, in contrast to the air cooler on the CPU, which has to leave room for other components.

1 year ago

This is the aggregate state and inertia, which makes the difference.

If you pour a liter of water onto an area, this long time feels cool, and it goes into the depths.

When you set up a blower, the effect only stops as long as the blower is running and it is only very superficially cooled.

However, the materials and the size and surface of the cooling system can operate an air-cooled system as efficiently as with water.

The problem is that the air cooler has no reserves.This is regularly necessary at high performance but in combination with heat the reason why there is hardly any air cooling.

1 year ago
Reply to  Rutscherlebnis

aggregate state and inertia?

If you pour a liter of water onto an area, this long time feels cool, and it goes into the depths.

You can do that with a cold stone. It is known that it is not liquid.

The answer to this phenomenon is that water absorbs significantly more heat energy than a bit of air. Both because it has a greater density (what are 10g water and what are 10g air?) and a higher specific heat capacity.

1 year ago

Heat capacity and mass.

1 g of water can absorb more heat energy than 1 g of air. And you’ll get more water in a water cooler than you can move air with fans.

This allows you to take the heat first with the help of the water. Even with 70 °C warm water, you can pull a whole amount of heat energy from a 80°C hot processor thanks to the high heat capacity. Thus, heat peaks at short power peaks are sometimes excluded.

And then you can flow in a large radiator with air at a different point where it is favorable in terms of flow, in order to pull the heat out of the water. Due to the fact that the radiator sits on the outer wall of the PC housing, the air flowing through is not amazed behind it, i.e. it flows better and can take heat better. And since the water is liquid and moving, you can distribute it in the radiator instead of being dependent on heatpipes, i.e. you better use the radiator surface.

1 year ago

Okay, finally it’s all about the fresh air, as far as right.

the radiator of the Wakü, however, has equal surface area AND the water thus shearing brings more heat to get rid of it.

1 year ago

Because water is a much better heat(ab)conductor than air