Wie funktioniert eine Steuererklärung bei Selbstständigkeit?
Angenommen man ist bei einem Betrieb angestellt und arbeitet in seiner Freizeit aber auch etwas selbstständig und verdient damit ganz ok. Muss man dann mehrere (in dem Fall zwei) Steuererklärungen abgeben oder wie funktioniert das? Das Einkommen bei der persönlichen Arbeit variiert ja.
The income tax law knows seven different types of income. If you have income from several types of income, e.g. from non-similar work and from business, you still have to make only one income tax statement with the corresponding investments.
And also the income from tissue operation. So?
Income tax returns are the income of a calendar year, the income tax is an annual tax,
You just declare your income at the end of the year. Everything is thrown into a pot and the control load is then recalculated. If you have paid too much, get something back – otherwise vice versa.
But at self-employed work, you have to take into account additional taxes: if you make an invoice, you have to repay the VAT tax to Father State. If you are “similar” and not “freelance”, you also have the trade tax on your leg.
Make yourself smart at one of these tax consultancies. Not that in four years the tax hammer is flying around the corner – or later. That’s a bad thing.
My advice: leave one third of everything you earn independently or freelance to pay for the charges incurred – just don’t go to Kopp.
No, only a declaration of income tax, there the income from the worker’s activity comes to Appendix N. And the profit from the self-employed commercial work to Appendix G. The income is then calculated.
However, the EÜR plant, a sales tax declaration and, if necessary, a commercial tax declaration must be issued for the industry.
You always do your Income taxwith a few changes
You also need to make further tax returns
A declaration of income tax is issued which includes income from the trade and from the employment relationship. Separate sub-forms must be completed for the income tax statement.
An ESt declaration, however, with Appendix N (workers) and Appendix G, among others, plus EÜR (income surplus invoice), VAT declaration and commercial tax declaration. This depends entirely on the tax situation.
Ever heard of “elster”?
In the case of additional commercial income, you must fill in Appendix G and add the income tax statement
You need accounting for your business. It won’t work without a tax advisor.