Wie funktioniert eine eSim in Korea?

Hi, ich fliege nach Korea und bin mir unsicher, ob ich mir eine eSim kaufen soll oder ob ich mir einen Datenpass bei Telekom (meinem Anbieter) holen soll. Eine eSim ist günstiger doch ich verstehe nicht ganz, wie diese funktioniert.

Ich bekomme ja dann eine koreanische Nummer, aber was passiert mit meiner alten? Kann ich ganz normal mit meiner alten Nummer z.B. per Whatsapp schreiben?

Was lohnt sich mehr? Wenn ich mir eine eSim hole, auf was muss ich achten?

Danke im voraus.

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11 months ago

With an eSim you keep your German number for calls, SMS and so on. You don’t have to remove your German sim card from your phone. You then use the eSim for the mobile Internet.

Depending on the country there are different providers. Holafly is expensive as there are significantly better offers. Here is a page that shows you all the different options for the different eSim and countries; in your case, South Korea: https://esimdb.com/south-korea

11 months ago
Reply to  Emina2987

No, at a normal sim you are no longer reachable under your normal German number.

11 months ago
Reply to  NoLies

do I have to mute my German sim somehow or something? not that I have when I come back a fat bill though I had a Korean esim

11 months ago
Reply to  nfldnd

With iPhone you can control it separately. So, for example, for mobile data, only the esim is used and for phone calls the normal (because I usually go abroad as well as via WhatsApp then phone).

11 months ago

Yes, I do. You have to adjust accordingly.