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7 years ago

You need your boarding pass. There are several ways you get it. The easiest thing is if you are approx. 24 hours before the flight go to the Internet and print the board card yourself. (You should get an email for this).

You can also send the board card to your phone. This is then an email with QR code because you usually don’t have a printer available on holiday.

Sometimes there are machines of the airline you can print the boarding pass. They look like freestanding ATMs. But don’t count on them. I’d rather express myself.

The last possibility is that you go to the switch. But this is more an emergency solution if everything else has not worked.

7 years ago

it is better to print it, but you don’t have to generally (also depending on the destination)

Print the booking confirmation or the booking number would be all (on you will find a good printable overview, which should be sufficient under the entry number). you can check in and select seat beforehand.