Wie funktioniert der Autopilot bei Helikopter?

Ich beziehe mich auf den Film San Andreas.

Dort drück der Pilot die Taste Hov (Position halten)

Der Heli schwebt auf der Stelle. Das heist er hält nicht nur die Höhe sondern auch die Position.

Diese Funktion ist doch nur mit GPS möglich oder?

Mit einer ständigen Luftdruckmessung verlässliche steuersignale zu produzieren ist denke ich nicht möglich da duch den Rotor zu viele Drcukschwankungen herschen oder?

Wenn es doch möglich währe, dann könnte er nur die Höhe halten aber nicht die Position nicht wa?

Also ihr Heli Piloten da draußen, gebt bitte mal nin paar infos ab.

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4 years ago

I’m not sure there’s such a function in normal helis.

In model construction, however, there are them and they just call themselves Loiter. The heli is then held in position via the IMS and GPS and the height is maintained via the barometer.

4 years ago

This does not take place via air pressure or GPS, but rather via acceleration sensors such as drones (quadrocopter). GPS would be too inaccurate and pressure sensors too slow. Even earlier, the data were provided by gyroscopes rather than pressure sensors.

However, you must not compare the autopilots in Helis with those in plane planes. Autopilot on and with the stewardess is not ashamed in the helicopter. This is simply because a heli flies unstable compared to the surface.




4 years ago

well, if the heli does not move forward or rear because of the position of the main rotor, it simply remains on the place.my toy helicopter can also

4 years ago

You have to keep the paw and stick in your hands, otherwise it immediately comes out of control

4 years ago

How to compare this with a toy
you’ve never been flying

4 years ago

Helicopter pilots don’t have a slight job right now. Because they have to actively control the helicopter in every second of the flight. There is no such thing as a “autopilot” for helicopters.


Have I wondered if not even military helicopters have, then no civilian guarantees

4 years ago
Reply to  SirAndiusNr2

Without autopilot, a heli does not have to fly. If even the flying garden chair R66 has something like this, it should also be possible with other Helis. https://www.aerokurier.de/motorflug/neue-options-fuer-robinsons-turbineehubscrewr-g500h-und-combined-autopilot-fuer-die-r66/

However, the autopilots differ from heli and surface. Autopilot and pick up a coffee in the galley is possible in the Jumbojet, but not in the Heli.