Wie funktioniert das mit den Vitaminen und ihrer Haltbarkeit?

Verliert Obst und Gemüse einfach mit dem Altern Vitamine? Gehen die kaputt oder lösen die sich auf?

Wenn man das Gemüse kocht gehen die ja scheinbar auch kaputt oder gehen die ins Wasser über? Ich trinke deshalb immer mein Brokkoliwasser

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1 year ago

The loss of vitamins in fruits and vegetables starts shortly after the harvest.

When storing room temperature, the vitamin loss can quickly be 50%.

Vitamin C is destroyed by oxygen and heat. Vitamins A,B2 and B6 are reduced by light.

Vegetables are very fast at too high temperatures and then lose vitamins.

1 year ago
Reply to  Waldzwerg33

Thank you

1 year ago

When cooking, some vitamins can pass into the water while others are more heat-resistant. Drinking broccoli water can provide some nutrients, but a balanced diet with fresh fruit and vegetables is ideal to get enough vitamins. The correct storage and short storage can preserve the vitamin content.

Lg Ichliebemich505

1 year ago

Long storage times and early harvesting – yes, fruits and vegetables no longer have so much nutrients in it. Regional, best organic or even better buy in the farm shop or from your own garden.

Many Viatmines are not heat-resistant, so they are destroyed during cooking. Minerals and other nutrients can still be in water or in fruit/ vegetables. Therefore, no hot lemon, but warm lemon when cold edible;-)