Wie funktioniert 4er Ticket aufs Handy in NRW?

Kann man 4er Ticket auf der App allein benutzen? Wenn man beispielsweise einmal heute und einmal morgen, usw, wie kann man ausweisen, wie vieles Males man schon verbraucht hat und man noch übrig hat? Und wie wäre es mit Gültigkeit?

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2 years ago

A separate booking is made for each trip.

When booking the first trip, the total price is calculated, the following three bookings are then free.

The number of trips already consumed is shown in the current ticket.

(My experiences refer to the “HandyTicket” app.)

2 years ago
Reply to  MarioMX

Is there validity, so until after purchase you have to consume all tickets?

I don’t know.

I have a 4er ticket here that I bought three years ago (2019). There is still a ride left and still valid.

When buying, I see “for immediate ride”…

This applies to the current booking.

You can not buy the ticket in advance, but when you buy it is valid for the first trip. The same applies to the other three journeys, which you call only when you need them.

2 years ago

Normally, four-ertickest are simply 4 single tickets just a little cheaper.

How the app works as always

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