Wie funktionieren diese Teig Dosen?
Von Knack und Back zum Beispiel, man bricht den Karton-Zylinder auseinander und der Teig springt dir entgegen.
Aber da die ja auch vorgeschnitten, bzw portioniert sind, wie bekommen die den Teig in die Dose aue??
Hab extra ein richtig bescheidenes Foto gemacht, kein Problem 🙂
The dough is rolled out, pre-cut and treated with a release agent.
I guess a fat-treated flour is used for this.
If there is a yeast, in other words, it goes up in the can when it comes in, it is still compact.
When he comes up, why doesn’t he close the cutting edges, why does that stay in it portioned.
So far
If you press two parts together, the contact does not close. You’d have to knead both pieces together.
The dough goes through the yeast in the can.