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aalbtraum, UserMod Light

Parts are unfortunately not normalized products. Even if these usually contain the active ingredient MDMA, various other active ingredients and different amounts thereof may be present. In addition, people themselves can react differently to the same active ingredients. So you can’t say what’s in one part and how others have reacted to anything, don’t tell anyone how to react.

In order to clarify what is in such a part, it should be tested or tested better. Unfortunately, this is only possible to a limited extent in Germany. More here:

General information about the typical effects and side effects as well as the risks associated with consumption can be found here:

2 years ago

The effect thus comes after about 20-30 min and lasts several hours. It started with me after 25min that I got pressure on my ears and everything was so weird. Then there were still minimal visuals. When I looked at a picture with patterns, the patterns have moved slightly. Very quickly you felt the good mood and made music much more sensed that means I had real feelings of happiness in music and could not stop vibrating to music anymore, an indescribably good feeling. That was the opposite of the trip. I had a bad mood, a headache and was extremely broken.

As good as it sounds, I’d still guess. 👍

2 years ago

Google – Google: MDMA Reviews