Wie fühlt sich LSD an? Wie wirkt sich das auf die Psyche aus?
ist LSD wirklich so schlimm wie überall gesagt wird das man von sowas übelste Horror Trips bekommen kann?
ist LSD wirklich so schlimm wie überall gesagt wird das man von sowas übelste Horror Trips bekommen kann?
Hallo bin mir nicht ganz sicher ob das ein Schwangerschaftsbauch sein könnte es ist kein blähbauch da er morgens schon da ist.
Hallo erstmal, ich habe viele Pickel an meinem Körper und würde sie gerne loswerden. Was kann man tun?
Ein Kollege war was holen und ich und ein anderer sind einfach mitgekommen wollten nicht wirklich was rauchen und wo wir auf den Typen gewartet haben waren da noch andere die auch was holen wollten haben da aber auch schon was geraucht und die haben dann Türken Runde gemacht und hatte vielleicht 2 oder 3…
und sah dass manche von meiner zähne karies haben und sagte nicht das diese behandelt werden sollte? und als ich ihn auf meine zahn mit karies hingewiesen habe sagte er: das ist nicht nötig und das farbe ist bzw keine karies ist obwohl ich sehe deutlich dass diese karies an meinen zähnen sind! ist er…
Ich habe mir vor 4 Stunden ungefähr den kleinen Zeh an der Bettkante angestoßen. Trotz dauerhaftem kühlen und hochlegen schmerzt der Fuß sehr bei Belastung. Kann nicht mal richtig humpeln. Was kann das sein? Vielleicht ist hier ja ein Arzt oder hatte sowas schon mal selber. Danke für eure Antworten
Yes, can man. But if you get well informed about it before, it shouldn’t happen. Horror trips don’t just happen by chance but always have a trigger.
An LSD trip is called by some as one of the most significant experiences of their lives. Just as an LSD can offer incredibly beautiful and profound experiences, it can also give you incredibly bad experiences of fear, panic and despair. The latter become “Horror trip” denotes and can traumatize a regular.
In general, one can say that it is highly individual, how LSD affects people. Among other things, genetics, gender, weight, emotional and physical condition, daily form and expectations play (Set), the environment (Setting), any reconciliation effects and, of course, the dose a role. In addition, drugs and drugs can interact with one another in a partially dangerous manner.
LSD is often referred to as “unspecific amplifier”. It causes conscious, subconscious and unconscious mental, emotional and physical processes to be extremely exaggerated. LSD does not take into account whether it is more likely to be experienced as positive, neutral or negative. Positive, neutral and negative we all carry around with us.
So you never know how exactly you react to a substance. It is quite possible to influence how much and what risks are involved (cf. Safer use, Consumer behaviour, Drug mouth). A risk always describes a probability. As such a trip actually goes, it’s more like gambling than something you could calculate exactly.
Minors and people with certain physical or mental suffering are strongly advised of the consumption of LSD. There is an increased risk that the trip will take a negative course.
You can find many general information about the possible effects and side effects as well as the risks associated with consumption here:
but if you just tell you is good and you relax then nothing can happen
Don’t worry. At a party with friends and eating and drinking and with it LSD gives a full horny evening to the night (nearest morning). Forget it so fast
LSD is anything but bad when you can handle it, i.e. learn from the beginning what it takes to travel with LSD.
This includes that as a personality one is as mature as possible, fear-free, free from mental disorders, character-proof and curious.
Google “LSD, my worries, Albert Hofmann, erowid, download”
Ohh, of which I can sing a song and write a book, from the one-time recording of LSD paper
Death experience with catastrophic effects on my life!
7 years of fear and panic, with the return of these syntomes of death .
Panic attacks due to sensations such as pressure on the heart/seal basket, numbness feelings in the left arm and tingling in the left brain sleep, total dryness of the mouth, heartaches, trembling and feeling of losing memory.
Although I knew that it was my psyche and not my organs, these primitive fears were always a terrible struggle not to die.
I got it on my own by talking to myself and allowing these feelings of dying.
I said to myself, okay, if I have to die now, then it should be like this and I don’t have to worry about my family, they’ll make it without me.
So the magic word is to accept these fears and panic feelings and allow, do not want to displace and do not say to themselves, no please don’t – go away .
Oh man digga sounds really bad :/
If you’ve been over with the panic, it has the positive effect you’ve changed for better.
You are uncannyly grateful for every little thing and see the little beautiful things with joy, what this one life gives you.
Hearing himself stupid, but besides the method described by you, it has also helped me scaryly some prayers, for example the Father Our, Ave Maria, The Lord is finally my shepherd to learn a little. Whether you believe in God or don’t help praying.
That’s what they say about StechapfelTee…
Can’t be compared. Nightshade drugs are much more dangerous than LSD. And LSD is clearly not harmless.
But, you can compare it .. I have witnessed all this in the 90s …tablets, cardboard and lancing tea
Why do you live and why don’t you consume anything?
I find LSD and Stechapfel are not comparable for the simple reason that one cannot die of the substance LSD alone, the consequences of taking are vaguely similar, but the active substances are not.