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Panic attacks can feel different for people.
I personally stare at a spot and even when people talk to me, I can’t answer them. It is also very difficult for me to move so for example to get up or something else. I tremble and sweat, I feel my heart beat faster. I just want to get out of this situation, but can’t really do something to get out of it, because I can’t ask anyone for help and people who don’t know me don’t even get it. Often I get hurt myself during the course or try it, as I get out more quickly, but that goes more subconsciously. After a panic attack, I just feel exhausted and tired, then just have no strength to do.
I used to take an antidepressant for about 2 weeks, which I hadn’t tolerated. While taking and also dropping a little after that, I actually had a panic attack as well as every evening, but unlike my normal. I had the feeling of not getting any more air, trembling even more than my normal panic attacks. Especially the first one of them was the worst, because I didn’t know what was going on, I thought I was suffocating and just felt panic. I tried to get air again, but I couldn’t breathe so I felt. But then they went away to happiness after the drop, so I had no more.
I used to have one in my life.
Got complex PTBS, which made it quite violent.
It felt like I was just scraping off and I really mean that. I just thought I had a heart attack and called the call.
Even the annoyed thought of something like that. Because my pulse was so extreme.
After a few investigations, they thought it was a violent panic attack.
I never had one again. Good luck.
I always have some. I get hardly any air, I have an extremely high pulse, I get bad and I see blurred. My legs are like pudding and I wines.
I was in the nuclear spin once. I thought I was dying. High pulse snap breathing tight. Cruel.