Wie fühlt sich eine Gebärmuttersenkung an?
da meine Frauenärztin mir kurzfristig keinen Termin gibt, dachte ich, frage ich hier mal und finde evtl betroffene Frauen.
Seit Tagen habe ich Unterleibsschmerzen, und vorher ein Fremdkörpergefühl in meiner Vagina und ständig einen Druck im Unterbauch.
Wenn ich nun einen Finger einführen will, geht es manchmal kaum noch. Und wenn es geht, ist am Eingang etwas, was da nicht hin gehört.
Ich habe das Gefühl das man das zurück schieben kann.
Nun mache ich mir seit Tagen Gedanken ob das eine Senkung ist. Ich bin erst 20 🙁
Did you get a kid or something very heavy or something? Because the organs just don’t lower. The pelvic floor has not been so stressed with 20 years.
Otherwise, yes, it feels like pressing something down. Such a dull long-lasting lighter but unpleasant pain and if you look in or feel at the bottom, a resistance comes quite early or it even looks out at the bottom.
No children are not present, and I don’t have to lift hard either.
Since I was close to my period, I thought it might be related to it.
Scheidentrockenheit just before the rule can trigger a foreign body feeling in the vagina
The feeling of foreign body is now as good as gone. Only my vaginal entrance is strongly narrowed up and down as if it were the womb.
It feels quite strange, somehow after tissue or mucous membrane
Please try to get an appointment with another doctor at short notice.
Every doctor has to offer an accreditation hour. This must be communicated either on the homepage and/or the answering machine.
Good improvement!
If you’re worried, don’t get a doctor’s appointment at a time, but you’d feel more comfortable with medical advice, the medical care service is your contact person.
You’ve got a doctor’s appointment next week.
You’ve already been at least. One week. When is your date
Next week Thursday
and are the symptoms worse, or are they always the same?
well falls off to the gloomy that is very dangerous.
if you look at it for an emergency, you can go to a sick house with Gyn Ambulance this must be present.
but you can wait several hours.
if there is no norfall we are simply unpleasant it is still through and wait
Since I don’t use tampons, I’m afraid it’s gone:(
Since I’m actually close to my period, I thought it might be related to it.
could that be a foreign body?
forgotten tampon or something
The extreme feeling of foreign body is no longer there, in sitting it gets worse when I’m lying it goes a bit.