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7 months ago


There is no slight french crack. Either it’s through or torn:

If the band is torn, depending on where, you usually hear that and feel very strong pain. Walking/moving is impossible without pain and freedom of movement is very severely restricted. In addition, the long recovery period is added.

If one of your bands is torn, then the painful symptoms are about the same, just from the intensity not as strong as in a completely torn band. Here, too, freedom of movement is restricted, but under certain circumstances this may be more mild.

Without more accurate information about your injury, it is difficult to assess whether it is a crack, breakage, overload or other.

If it does not get better in two to 3 days or the pains are really so underlerable, then a doctor is highly recommended. Should joints etc. swell, then I recommend you to cool the affected area. If this is not the case, I would keep the affected area warm in order to loosen or relax the muscles.

I hope to have helped you!

Good luck!

7 months ago

Ribbon crack acts a pain you can not occur the foot or the place becomes blue. Everything else in the MRT. This should be done