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Captain Obvious says it hurts, and it hurts. The little toe is quite impressively confirmed by the two times.
Note: severe swellings with plentiful, between bones udn obstacles to which you encounter crushed tissue are not better, but it naturally heals faster, and you save muscle atrophie as long rest of your movement.
if you still care about it, take me a few days ago 3 mid-fusknochen broken on my account you even see a X-ray picture of my fus.Is happening at the fussball playb and the only where it hurt was the moment when the bone is broken that was a very funny feeling indescribable almost
who also operates on Wednesday and has to get a record
Different. Everything is possible from painless to hell pain.
Is very painful
Do you have any experience?
See above:
That’s quite obvious.
Of course not.
Oh, so you’re going to pull one on purpose? Sorry, it’s just sick.
I could have learned how to break bones.
And what brings you the question here? You still don’t know how it is.
There’s a lot you don’t have to do and still do.
You don’t have to be able to put yourself in everything.
Everyone has his own Bucketlist.
I have the problem that I cannot put myself into things that I have not yet experienced in the best will and would like to know how it is to have a bone fracture.
In your place, I’d be worried if I had such a wish…
A broken wrist is absolutely no fun. Be happy about every bone that remains healed. Bone fractures are certainly not one of the things that you should have on your bucket list.
Because I would like to experience a broken wrist because I have no experience and generally little life experience.
By falls. Why is that important?
How did the two fractures come?
I already had two fractures. Once at the age of 9 I had the radius, and about 3 years ago I had a fissur in the kahnbein.
What bone was broken?
Have you ever had a bone fracture?
Sustainable with painkillers.
Was that painful after the surgery?
Since it was a bit more complex break, there was a titanium plate on top.
How was that treated?
Flying to the mouth by bike
How did it happen?
Key leg
What bone was affected?