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Just experience it yourself. Either it curses without great pain or lies forever in the K-Saal. The 1st scream & the laying after that lets you forget all the scmerzens. There are joyful tears of pain.
The thing is: every birth is unique. But here is my experience:
Child 1 – planned imperial cut due to pelvic end position. I went to the hospital at the agreed date. Then I was prepared for the surgery, got a spinal anaesthesia and when it worked, the abdomen was cut open. My child was put right on my chest. Overall, it was a beautiful birth, but the pain after that was really no fun.
Child 2 – vaginal extraclinical birth. I had the first woe about shortly after midnight, a day after the calculated date. Then the labors came regularly every ten minutes. After about an hour, I could no longer stay in bed during the woe, but stood up for breathing. At half six we decided to call the midwifes and from there, the distances were very quickly shorter. When we arrived at the birthplace 45 minutes later, the mother’s mouth was already completely open – which actually surprised me, since the pain was absolutely bearable until then, comparable to slight period pain. Then I had to press; at the first pressing woe burst the fruit bubble. Well, and then after a few presses, the child was already there, not seven hours after the first woe.
The last phase was no longer painful, just exhausting.
There are plenty of ways to alleviate pain during a vaginal birth, e.g. by special breathing techniques, acupuncture, hypnobirthing, the birth point, salmon gas, or also a PDA.
There are even women who tell that they had a pain-free birth thanks to hypnobirthing.
What I just want to say: yes, birth can be very painful, but this is not necessarily the case with every woman
Very painful but the most beautiful at the same time
I am very happy
Like an egg kick.
Say many women, but you can’t judge it, we don’t have birth pain
even researchers
This is not very helpful now as if you (wife) know how an egg kick feels. In addition, it is much worse
At least I could give an answer.
What about Beiden? Well, no one can judge
I could do that, but I don’t want to worry more
I can think