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I feel a little overwhelmed! And feel tiredness
I feel very alive and feel a pulse of almost 200! 💢
Now that you want to burn with pride, you are sure fire and flame
Brother, she’s not my wife, but I’d like to help you if you’re insane. 🙂
They all say that and in the end she is pregnant
I feel tired. And I feel cold as my window has been open for about 50 minutes.
Go to sleep. Wallah
Nö. Vallah brother
WOW. Cinema
Long days and pleasant nights
Okay, I feel. Wallah brother
Not good.I have been feeling very sad, depressed & hopeless for some time.Sometimes too desperate.Somehow, everything has no meaning for me anymore…
Empty, fear and indecision.
Lg notnoetig ⭐
All right, something reassuring
LG Show1Runner
Nothing. I just don’t feel anything and you know what this is better.
I feel tired and I feel that my ears are very warm, why always 😂
Good. My body is completely regenerated and wants to train again
I feel relaxed and balanced
I feel THEEEEOO BREAK, because there are so many people here who do not like the gays and support the AFD/FPÖ. I don’t think it’s all about 😭😭😭
how do you feel
I feel like I’m just being straight…😐
what do you feel soo?
I don’t know.
Jaja, from me, y’know
And you of me, y’know;)
All good
Oh, sorry, yeah, i forgot.
I thought you like it. And u stalk me too, so yeah
I need it…
but you still keep stalking me;(
but… y?
because of privacy, y’know y’know
Why so sad about it?
I know.
I’m annoyed as there are people here that if you write anything doubt like fanatics