Wie fühlen sich 55 °C an?
hab grad gesehen dass die in Afrika heißes wetter haben und am 27. sollen die wohl 49° haben, die sich wie 57° anfühlen
hat das mal jemand erlebt und wie fühlt sich sowas an?
ich hab so dran gedacht, dass es sich so anfühlt als würde man frittiert werden. ist das wirklich so?
Depends on whether it is dry or damp.
In any case very unpleasant if the whole day is over. You can’t do anything anymore, you have the feeling to thirst etc
Sauna walkers: inside can at least partially understand this…
No, who was already in a dry air sauna knows that even 100° are quite bearable. Of course not in a damp air sauna because the sweat and the cloths do not cool.
At temperatures of 50°-60° it is rarely moist so that moist cloths make life bearable.
Without cooling, this is a certain amount of time to survive if you drink a lot and also take salt. It’s for one to three days. But then the people work out rows like the flies, because the cycle is going crazy.
You don’t realize it right there, by the wind. But get in a kitchen at 60 degrees….this is really fun.
Have you ever been in a sauna? Now imagine 8-10 hours a day. The most extreme thing I have experienced is 48-49°C at 80-85 %rH
That’s what it’s like
So I’ve experienced 42-45° and that feels like a blow in the face when you get out into the sun.
See it next week, haha 😀