Like finger in throat?

Hello everyone,

I went to a wine tasting yesterday. This afternoon, I had only moderately digestible food, and I've been feeling nauseous all day. Plus, I drank a lot of cappuccino… The white wine is fighting against the food in my stomach, and I'd like to get rid of both the same way I consumed them. I've put my finger on the suppository, but other than gagging and coughing, nothing's happening. The stuff is still in my stomach.
By the way, I want to gain weight in case anyone gets the idea that I'm anorexic.

Any tips on how it works?

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1 year ago

So when I was bad about the Alk I drank a glass of water and pushed my finger in the back (always as far back as it was possible) and then this crushing stimulus came and when you do it without a break something comes up.

aalbtraum, UserMod Light

Today, yesterday’s white wine is no longer in the stomach, to which one could get rid of by giving. Take nothing.

Maybe helpful:

1 year ago

If it was lunch today, you can forget it: because then it is already in the intestine.

Finger in the neck only works when it is still in the stomach.

1 year ago
Reply to  Achmad123454

Well, 12 or 13:00, that’s certainly not in the stomach anymore. If it’s in the intestine, you just get out with an operation. I had to find it painful.

1 year ago

I didn’t say anything about drinking or eating: it would have been better to wait until the inconvenience is gone before you take something back to you. Because now you’re just overwhelming your digestive tract.