Wie findet ihr Shutter Island?
Es scheint mir ein ziemlich kontroverser Film zu sein. Die einen meinen: “Sehr schlecht, hat mir überhaupt nicht gefallen” und die anderen: “Mega Film, gut zum ‘drüber reden’. “
Was haltet ihr davon und wie steht ihr zum Ende? Bzw. was sind eure “Theorien”
I liked the movie very well.
I didn’t understand the end
I actually thought he was Marshal and not the patient.
Thanks for the star 🙂
It’s been a bit since I saw it, but I found it pretty good. He takes an interesting turn.
That’s what I like about the movie. I love such films.
Psycho film is very cool
I think it should show the far-reaching disease of consciousness
good movie
Okay, thanks for the detailed answer 😉 No fun, all right. Hahaha.
super film.
I believe the people who write “very bad” have not understood the action;)
I also think 😉 You can’t really understand it because you’re more interpreting.