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So every day, the boxershorts of cotton prefer me.
But for chilling or on hot summer days I like to wear so satin boxer
M, 24: I prefer cotton. Satin is too glittery to me, and then even wide boxershorts. Both not my case.
I don’t find that optimal, because the skin can’t breathe so well and you sweat more. Find cotton better and more optimal.
Maybe cotton panties.
M / 19
Boxershore of cotton
Wide boxershorts are unhequemous as underpants and inappropriate as they do not provide the genitals. I feel more satin than unpleasant I prefer simple cotton.
I find them ugly, inconveniently, I can’t take off the fabric.
I also have them and find the totally comfortable
I like to wear them, but where do you get them?
It’s not my case.
I think they look good. If they are comfortable and you like to wear them, stay with these satin boxershorts
Is that real satin? Looks cheap as underwear. Sweet cotton
is real satin
Not good
I think boxershorts are generally very stupid. Everyone looks ugly whatever they are. There’s nothing more weird than funny and ugly boxershorts.
Take some real underpants, or you’d rather not wear them.
Greetings Vanni 🙂
I dressed because I went to the gym.
You sweat less.
Otherwise I’m just wearing tight.
Mega chilling
Harmful and uncomfortable
Right comfortable and looks nice
I would always be afraid that they would slip away from my ass.