Wie findet ihr Pferderennen?
wie steht ihr zu dem Thema Pferderennen?
Ich finde es furchtbar!!
Ich informiere mich zur Zeit viel über das Thema Pferdesport, Haltung und habe auch schon lange eine eigene Meinung.
Ich freue mich auf eure Antworten:)
You don’t have to find it well. The races are organized so that people can bet on it.
Then please inform yourself better… at official horse races (in Germany!) is absolutely nix “fearable”!
Let’s get out with the sources. In Germany, too, this is absolutely cruel. This has nothing to do with information. Horse races are not animal-friendly. Point.
I am here my own source, have worked decades in different races, even races ridden and trained … and nowhere has seen “grausames” or “non-friendly” …
to the Mongolian either.
while I doubt that German riders could stay on a horse for a long time and actively continue to ride, like the Mongolian children.
There are everywhere such and such…
But since you already have a fixed opinion anyway, it is not worth saying more.
You’re a cultural property. Cultural goods are worth protecting.
It is not a cultural property that is true, but a selection of breeding.
And your argument ad Hominem here is well-founded, or how?
A little for you to read:
Studies on the general well-being of animals: https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC7552286/ and https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Iris-Bergmann/publication/329651065_He_Loves_to_Race_-_or_Does_He_Ethics_and_Welfare_in_Racing/links/5cd792c892851c4eab971560/He-Loves-to-Race-or-Does-Ethin
“Auxiliary”/Equipment im Rennsport & Studien zu: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/634717v1 and https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S109002331300467X?via%3Dihub
https://www.quarks.de/umwelt/tierwelt/darum-sind-galopprennen-kein-spass-fuer-pferde/ – Numerous studies collected at the end of the page.
One of the most prestigious specialists on the topic: https://www.duunddastier.de/Edit/drpick/
Cultured without if and but with genes that lead to bone fractures and stomach ulcers: https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC11726005/ and https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC8977533/#:~:text=according%20to%20previous%20studies%2C%20the,%20purpose%20of%20the%20horse.
Also problems such as overheating are not taken seriously, at the expense of animals: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-023-27892-x
And if you don’t want to read what’s wonderful to look at: https://youtu.be/epwVOCEdd8o?si=kTMaA4qm24E9mQ7x
This book is also recommended: https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/mono/10.4324/9780203132432/global-horseracing-industry-phil-mcmanus-glenn-albrecht-raewyn-graham
And now I’m waiting for your sources!
Well, if your “scientific papers on the subject” were as well as your writing here… well…
No, I have absolutely no idea, only several scientific papers written on the subject in my university time 🤓. But condemning is always easier than to deal with animal torture.
I said, “Cultural goods” have to do the nix… but they are breeding performance tests so that only really hard/fast horses are used for breeding and the breed is just good. And exactly DAS is serious.
But… because you have no idea about matter, but only rescientious prejudices… meaningless to explain to you all the backgrounds.
This has nothing to do with serious breeding, sorry. The animals are only bred for profit and performance. They suffer too young, so on.
Animal torment is not a culture and definitely not worth protecting. No matter how to turn it or turn it. The people who have vowed my comment should think about it.
tja – if horses as cursed one can be good, this is going away.
therefore I would say that the most suitable horse sports are horse races.
Sure to panic a horse so that it only runs panicky, if necessary hurt and people still bet funny is super art-friendly 🥸.
you didn’t understand my answer.
What makes you think the horses are panicked… well, s.o. … keep looking east wind & Co. …
No, that’s not a panic, that’s the pleasure of the race, and of course, that’s the one that’s slammed by the herd drive…
Sorry, but there are enough horses that don’t like all this and you don’t see them on the racetrack, but on leisure.
They are panic because when the whole “heart” runs is usually at risk so they often get stomach problems after race
I like to bet on it – I don’t care