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1 month ago

I know Montréal of two three-day holiday stays. Whether I would live there forever, I can judge badly, as a tourist you look at a city from a very different angle. What I can say is that Montréal has a good infrastructure that people are predominantly friendly and open-minded and that you do not necessarily have to speak French (which, of course, is a pleasure to see if you are in French). I liked Vancouver and Quebec even better than Montréal.

If you think about moving to Canada, I would look more closely at various major cities and inform me about the respective living and working conditions on site.

1 month ago
Reply to  Poseidon370

Vancouver is by far the most beautiful staadt in Canada and one of the most impressive cities in the world. In addition to the multicultural life in the city, nearby Rocky Mountains and the upstream island of Vancouver Island also offer numerous excursions. Absolutely recommended!