Wie findet ihr meinen RC Feuerwehr Eigenbau? Habt ihr vielleicht Par verbesserungsvorschläge?


Bin 13,5 Jahre alt.

Wollte fragen, wie ihr mein zweites Projekt findet:

Habe gerade meinen Feuerwehr Unimog fertigbekommen, Dach klebe ich erstmal nicht zu, wenn Wasser ausläuft, wie letzte Woche, dass ich schnell eingreifen kann. Wasser läuft nicht mehr aus. Vorne linker Blinker ist mit abgerissen, der Kabel.

Besteht aus einem Carson Unimog Hinterteil und Carson Unimog Karo, und einem XC-01 Chassis.Löschmonitor muss ich noch finden. Kann aber Wasser werfen und Wasser durch Aquarium schlauf aufsaugen. Funke ist eine Reflex Stick multi pro LCD. Hinten rechtes Blaulicht Kabel beim Bau gerissen, Blaulicht für vorne ist schon bestellt. Martinshorn ist auch da.

Freue mich über Kommentare.

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2 years ago

Oha, he looks really cool! Also really big and cool all the lights 🤩 Really cool when you built yourself and then added the whole technique 😁 respect! Especially when this is your second project, it’s really impressive 😅 You can definitely build even bigger now if you want, so I find it really good 😄

2 years ago


Great that you can do so!!!👍 👍I would not have the ability to touch, patience and not the technical understanding. Are you driving remote? And how long have they built on it?

2 years ago
Reply to  Michel77171

Hi, thanks for the feedback. Yes, it drives remotely, forwardly, backwards, right, left, blinker front and rear right left, out front the right blinker is somehow torn off…

I started this project as a fun project when I was smaller when I was in the middle of 10. I’ve always had a small change, I’ve had a CC01 unimog in the forest, but I didn’t fit, I used it as a crawler, and now, about 2 months ago, I bought a new chassis, I built the controller and servo and I got the one on the stand, so a total of 2/5 years I built it around And then I’m gonna get my bits when I was smaller and I got a little burned or broken.

So have learned from my mistakes🙂

2 years ago

Wait. You’ve already welded 10??? WoWWWWWW!!!!!!!

2 years ago
Reply to  Michel77171

Thanks for your feedback 🙂

2 years ago

Very happy

2 years ago

Your question about a fellow student and friend is deleted??! Hope you got your answers….

2 years ago

Oh, yeah. 😜But great that you can.👍

2 years ago

Yes, but still with the help of my father, but I was only allowed to weld towards the end of 11, where the hot soldering iron fell on my hand, AUA😂

2 years ago

It’s nice that today’s youth makes something more sensible and not just sitting in front of the boxes.

At your age, I have also made RC cars, assembled my own models and later also a whole vehicle built from the ground on from plastic, equipped with stepping motors, programmed with Raspberry Pi and the Arduino and controlled by Wii remote control.

I meanwhile made this my job first.

Stay there, I’ll find what you’re doing.