Wie findet ihr meinen ersten Songtext?


Ich hatte letztens einfach mal damit angefangen einen Songtext zu schreiben und wollte jetzt einfach mal nach ein paar Meinungen fragen.Vielleicht habt ihr ja auch Verbesserungsvorschlage, wie ich den Songtext verbessern kann oder worauf ich beim nächsten mal achten sollte.

Title: “Chasing Dreams”

You and me in a fast car on the highway,

At this moment, that’s the only right way.

The wind blows through, makes our worries disappear,

We have no fear.

Let’s chase our dreams under the stars,

We feel as light as if we were on Mars.

Together, we break all the rules,

In a world that keeps us stuck in schools.

Life is a lie, but we’re living it right,

With every mile, we leave the pain behind.

Every step we take, we’re closer to the sky,

A future unknown, but we’re willing to fly.

Love’s a game, and we play it hard,

Now you can see my smile,

Now it’s time to start.

We own the night with all our pride,

In our cars, we’re flying high,

And never say goodbye.

Speeding through streets, we laugh and we cry,

In this reckless ride, we’ll never ask why.

We don’t need no map, we’re carving our way,

Turning every night into a brighter day.

Control in my hands is what I need,

Including the speed, that’s my definition of success.

I guess we’re not making progress,

But that’s okay, no one else cares.

Chasing sunsets, driving beautiful cars,

We’re free as the wind, floating in the stars.

We give a fuck about expectations,

Fighting against all frustrations.

We need lines and rhymes to feel happy,

Money doesn’t rain like confetti.

We’re living loud, we don’t care what they say,

The world is ours, we’re taking it today.

We fight for our dreams,

You know what that means.

Let’s race through the streets of New York,

From these heights, we’ll never fall short.

Just you and me, in our own world,

In the middle of dirt, where no bird is heard.

Our cars are too loud, we stand proud,

We don’t need speed limits,

Finding joy in the minutes.

We embrace all the rhythms,

We don’t stick to them anyway.

I don’t care what the cops say,

Rules are made to be broken,

The cars are stolen.

The cops won’t catch us,

We’re moving fast, no fuss.

There’s no catching us ’cause we’re too fast.

We’re not running away, we’re chasing our fate,

With every mile, we get closer to the gate.

We love car chases.

We flee with smiles on our faces.

We were born for this,

We can’t resist.

So come and catch me,

I’ll always stay free.

Let’s drift around the curves,

Testing our nerves.

We don’t want to slow down,

We’re cruising through town.

We’ll push the cars to their limits,

Racing fast, feeling the spirit.

Breaking free from all the critics.

In the rush of the night, we forget the past,

This freedom we’ve found, we know it won’t last.

Let the race begin,

Living wild, it’s a must.

We will win,

In the night, we trust.

The air feels like fine dust,

We don’t want to adjust.

Every turn, every road, feels like our home,

The world’s wide open, we’re never alone.

Get in the Porsche and come with me,

The destination’s no mystery.

You don’t have to be lonely,

We want liberty.

Let’s travel the world,

A journey full of gold.

From California to Chicago,

We flee under the city lights, let’s go!

In the night, we chase our dreams,

Fighting hard, so it seems.

Fast cars racing through the night,

One day we’ll live this dream so bright.

Escaping shadows, finding light.

With the stars in our eyes, we’re chasing the sound,

The world’s in our hands, we’re breaking new ground.

In the rearview, we leave it all behind,

Heading toward the future, where we’re free to find.

With you by my side, it’s always gonna be right,

Chasing our dreams under the city lights.

And in this ride, we’ll make our own way,

We’ll live for today, and die for tomorrow’s day.

(3 votes)

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3 months ago

Nicht schlecht. Welches Genre?

3 months ago
Reply to  Pineapple3456

Hast du jetzt erstmal nur den Text?

3 months ago

Eine DAW anschaffen, ein bis zwei Instrumente lernen. Etwas einspielen, einprogrammieren, Einsingen oder Einsingen lassen, Samples nutzen, Arrangement, Automation, Mixen, fertigstellen, releasen.

3 months ago

Also durchaus ansehnlich geschrieben…aber mir fehlt der Chorus 😀
Und auch so ist es seeehr viel – würd ich eher kürzen, soll ja denke ich keine Oper sein


3 months ago
Reply to  Zeitbombe

Nicht jeder Song hat einen Chorus.

3 months ago
Reply to  teehouse

Das stimmt natürlich 🙂

3 months ago

Hört sich wirklich gut an! Gefällt mir😄 Jetzt hätt ich noch gerne das als richtiges Lied mit Instrumenten und so gehört😁

3 months ago
Reply to  HSV2024

Ergänzung: Ich find es könnte zu sowas passen: https://youtu.be/gG4P3ayBzVY?si=1ZdSRiDT2nev-6-y der Text den du geschrieben hast, hat ein ähnliches Feeling😄

25 days ago
Reply to  HSV2024

Ja, der Text ist mega, wie da so dann melodisch ist Ist eine andere Frage

3 months ago

Klingt gut