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Will was zeichnen. Kann mir wer dazu konstruktive Kritik sowie Tipps geben? Das ist meine Referenz Und das meine bisherige Skitze Ich weiß, andere Pose, aber um die geht es hier nicht.
bit bi…… harms niee🤡👽🦄🦿
to picture: does not look good, too little color, not my style, difficult to recognize, but you will not just be so good
also really depends on what this should be, as a drawing or Image is bad
Unfortunately, one does not recognize much of the dragon, at least I lack a lower jaw, otherwise you have already done it quite well.
You can look at some tutorials on YT, where you will learn the right shades and kniffe to improve your drawing. 😊
I can draw, I’m going to the art class. That should be a paperdragon the lower jaw is still coming.
I don’t see the dragon completely, but it looks good.
Beautiful color combinations:) Has something. And it is very imaginative. I like it very well!
I find him very cool 🙂 I thought he was a skateboard desing or something like this 🙂
Very fantastic. I can’t see where what is right now, but the colors and the drawing look good.
wrongly proportioned on the sheet and if you hadn’t said it was a dragon, I could have thought the animal was a mystical diarrhoea.
Looks more like a water monster
That’s not a dragon
Looks like a colorful dog
LG steffi
Don’t talk to me at all.
School grade 3-
I don’t know a dragon… and the picture is very colourless!