What do you think of my drawing?
Am 13
Hello. When I move the brush in gimp it moves so it is at the angle it moves when painting
What do you think? You can also tell me what I can improve!
A girl in my class is always nice to me, unlike other boys, and she even wrote me a letter for my birthday. Believe me, she always writes with all her homework questions first, and then always says "Bye." Do you think she's in love with me, or does she just like me?
Hi! I'm currently sewing a blouse using a pattern. However, as a beginner, there are some terms I don't yet understand. The symbol in the middle is "interfacing." Is that Vlieseline? And what does contrast mean? Thank you in advance! I hope you can see everything.🙃
Something bothers me about this picture, but I can't put my finger on it…maybe I chose the wrong colors or something…idk…I'm asking for tips on what I can improve to make the flower look more realistic. I don't usually paint plants, only people/portraits, which I'm much better at. this is an orchid flower
In science class at school (the topic is bionics), we're supposed to build a paper tower about 1.80 meters high out of just three A4 sheets of paper. You're allowed to use scissors, but not glue. How are you supposed to do this?
I’m shocked that it looks so good. That’s so craass I can find
picasso in china
We don’t want to exaggerate
We may not want to – but is so
I think your drawing is very beautiful. 🤗Könnte des nd as great as you.🤣
LG Maike🤗
Be 16, make art LK soon and could not do this:| very strong in any case
Very horny. I still draw like a 3 year old xD
But I just find the picture WOW.
Madness! So if you really drew it yourself, that’s really great. 👍🏻👍🏻 Looks totally realistic. 😃
You’ve done that with a projector, I’m going to do it all the time, it’s very good.
No projector
Looks nice.
Oh, as if you painted it yourself! How many pencils and how much time did you need?
Had taken 1 pencil and 1 black pencil because had no more. And so 7 hours
Oha, I probably need pencils of H6-B7 and min. Two days!
Very nice, good. I’d like to explain how to draw fur.
Super, looks great
I’m great. Respect!
Looks great!
Fine, you have talent.
🤯♥♥♥♥♥️This is real… WOW!