Wie findet ihr meine Fanfiction?

Hallo, ich hab grad eine Fanfiction geschrieben und frage nun nach eurer Meinung. Habt ihr Verbesserungsvorschläge?


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2 years ago

Well, so the spelling and grammar could be much better, the whole story could be somewhat more emotional and the whole subject is not my case…

Where it’s not necessarily my case, I’m getting some AfD politician couples in, so I wanted to be fair, I imagined there’s probably some people who like this fandom, and then I imagined how it would be if it were people or people. Figures or Serial figures were going to be great, and they’re gonna open a phone hotline.

And, of course, it’s a bit absurd… but I also have to admit that I actually read it WÜRDE… if the figures and the action are correct and it is well written.

In so far: Per se ‘XY needs money and makes a phone-exhotline adventurous, but CAN work (always I write a fanfiction in which someone writes kitschromans under pseudonym to finance his costly hobby/life style/work everyday thing).
What would be important to me then would be that it really has an action. So that it’s not ONLY the phone-exhotline, but that IRGENDETWAS OTHER also happens.

And accordingly, consider an action that might be a little extreme and do something about it.

And if you want to leave it so extreme, then invest a few minutes in a good spell correction program to read it.

2 years ago

Too vulgar.

But satire does not have to be vulgar, not with politically ill-loved.

2 years ago

If it’s a troll story, the concept is quite funny if it’s serious, then you should look for help. And his name is Bernd Höcke

2 years ago


of content it is not really mine. I would improve a lot, see no real talent or skills with you, but you need exercise:




– Feelings

2 years ago

A fanfiction must be badly written and full of grammar and spelling errors

2 years ago
Reply to  Reinkanation

ah really hahah

2 years ago

That’s funny, but I don’t read so short “books.”