Wie findet ihr meine Erläuterung?

Hey 🙂 ich habe meine Hausaufgaben gemacht und wollte fragen was ihr von meinen Erläuterung hält ? Und bin ich auf alle Punkte eingegangen? Was meint ihr ?

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9 months ago

Apart from the fact that the text repeats itself in the middle, it is basically a series of puncture points. If it’s for the 5th class, it’s still possible. It’s unusable for everything else.

A detailed explanation is definitely not.

9 months ago
Reply to  Maria0604

For this, one should first know what a task it is. School? If so, what class. Education? If yes, what direction (e.g. medicine/BTA/care). Studies?

At the latest from the training, or should Sources with pure (depending on the request of the teachers). Furthermore, the question of how long and detailed is the whole? It’s just a short break or it’s a multi-page house task.

Do not misunderstand me, the content itself is so yes (at least for the most part) correct. In total, the whole thing was unfortunately very bumpy.