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6 years ago

This is worthy of improvement, in content and form.

Most plastic bags are used for 25 minutes, then they land on the garbage. Oil is used for production and energy is needed, and CO2 is naturally released.

Plastic quickly becomes a garbage, so garbage cans arise. The decomposition lasted centuries.

Of course, they can be recycled, but why do we make something for such short-term use at all? Is the uprecycling or downrecycling?

Plastic bags are completely unnecessary. For shopping, you take your own container, there are also small foldable bags that you can put in your pocket.

An important proargument (the only) is advertising. Oh, look at what great store he’s buying. This is especially true for aldit bags.

6 years ago

Is there something new? Plastic bags should not be banned because there are too many bans… condoms are also somehow plastit bags and serve health,