Wie findet ihr mein Outfit heute insgesamt so?
Frage an W und M?
Was würdet ihr ändern?
Frage an W und M?
Was würdet ihr ändern?
Fall Beispiel: Ich habe meine Tage am 1-6 Januar gehabt und das nächste mal am 1-6 Februar. Wann sind ungefähr meine unfruchtbaren Tage?
Was findet ihr besser ? und warum ?
Ich brauche eure Hilfe m/15 Ich war vor einer Woche bei meiner Freundin (w/15) und sie hatte mir nicht gesagt dass sie ihre zwei Freundinnen (w/15) und (w/16)auch da sind und ja dann hatten wir ein bisschen gequatscht und dann gingst auch schon los ich sollte alles machen was die mir sagen (sie wusste meine…
immer wenn ich fussball spiele und sprinte wackeln meine hoden und klatschen auf meine Beine was ein unangenehmes geräusch macht. Wie kann ich das beheben?
Hallo, ich habe einen Hoodie mit der Aufschrift “Salzwasser” und dann die jeweilige chemische Formel gesehen und fand den, so wie der Nerd der ich halt bin, richtig süß. Ich such diesen Hoodie tagelang schon und kann den nirgendwo finden. Weiß jemand ob das irgendwie eine Marke ist oder ein Collab? Ich würd diesen Hoodie…
It’s okay, but I think you should wear other shoes. High Heels would be very suitable.
I don’t know, show you and don’t use old posts from an already locked account, which is why it’s probably locked up and who knows how many it’s already…
Which is why months of contributions are warmed up, probably again the same type with nem Fakeaccount, have already been locked in min… /user/EmiliaNRWWW
The pants are too long. You have a super pretty figure. I’m afraid of the men who misjudge your style and who aren’t in control. I’d wear such a thing at home and when female friends come to visit. But outside, I’d wear a little long, far. It is true to say “not I should cover myself, but men should be in control”. But unfortunately this attitude does not change the fact that there are men who consider such a styling in such a pretty figure as provocation……………..
A narrow belt that stands out from the color of the trousers.
Fingerless gloves and a scarf (just because of the current weather).
Some accessories, such as rings, bracelets, earrings (?) or a chain.
Depending on the occasion also white boots (fitting to the color of your nails) with medium heel.
Something in the way; just in white.
I find these warm colours very beautiful. But other shoes should be.
A harmonious outfit, I like the pants very well, but I would wear boots.
The pants are too long, I think. I don’t like the color either.
cute your outfit 🙂 let it definitely so
Thank you.
That leaves a rather good impression.
Of course, the shoes do not go, the handbag also fits so semi-optimal color to the rest of the outfit.
Looks cool out the shoes fit but not so I would recommend others. But you should like it.
I think the outfit to your figure is great and also likes the Ugg boots
Nice, but also put me on the demand navh boots with high heels. Then the picture would be complete
pants a little figurative – bei beine not so far
The cut is OK, but the colors are very trist and senile.
Shoes fit absolutely 0. I personally find the tops ugly. And pants aren’t my thing with such a “fake” leather look
Conclusion: Your outfit is breaking.
I like to always go out with me.
Looks very sweet:)
outfit looks really ok, the shoes should be changed
Very pretty, very good figure. It’s all right.
The floors are different on all your photos.
That’s because it’s Fake Profiles
Looks very good to your slim figure
the upper part is cute
I’d change belly-free. Unless you stay at home
Not bad
I would also wear the outfit as a young
Looks cool from calibre️
I find the outfit OK.
Joa, nice
too colourless
I would say perfectly
Right horny honestly
The average person who writes here:
I find very harmonious,the pants are full of my taste, but I would rather wear boots