What do you think of my espresso still?
What do you think of my espresso still?
Is what I'm doing healthy?
Do you think what I eat is weird?
Does this make you friends?
Can friendships therefore break down?
Do other people eat what I eat?
What do you think of my espresso still?
Is what I'm doing healthy?
Do you think what I eat is weird?
Does this make you friends?
Can friendships therefore break down?
Do other people eat what I eat?
It's so damn embarrassing at school because my stomach growls loudly 24/7, and people make jokes and laugh. I only eat one thing a day and I have no appetite. I just want tips for stomach growling, and no disrespectful retirees, please. I don't have an eating disorder; one meal is enough for me. So,…
I got a 5 in slalom skiing in PE on Thursday. So, I don't have the 5 on my report card, just in that section. Luckily, it's one of many grades. I was simply running too slowly. My gym teacher told me I needed to run faster. I've been diagnosed with iron deficiency. I once…
The question is above, please be very specific, for example which medical/personal documents are important, etc. I'm also open to suggestions and experiences from those who left a toxic household at a young age. My household is emotionally abusive; I'm currently in a hospital, so I'm not at home, but I plan to move out…
Hello, Can you recommend a cookbook that has simple recipes (the ingredients should be easy to find in a regular supermarket with limited selection), is balanced, and perhaps also includes explanations and information. It should be suitable for building muscle, and it would be nice if it also included recipes for evening meals, such as…
Hello, I wanted to ask if I can bring a water bottle and possibly a lunch box in my hand luggage at Nuremberg Airport? The water bottle looks like this ⬇️ (My flight is about 3-4 hours long). (Image removed by support)
Openly stood stillos… it looks like unloved.
No, the editions are industrially manufactured “I’m pretending to be a jelly sausage” products. Let your onions lie over the MHD for a few weeks, and you’ll notice that there’s nothing going to be bad. It’s so dead, it’s not dead!
Strange is something I can laugh about, and what you eat is more of my eyes to the pity tears. I find it sad, honestly. If you mean strangely, yes I find it very strange 🤷 ♀️
If friendships depend on my eating habits, I would find it very strange and I would give up thankful “friends”.
Maybe there are other people who eat something like that. And as likely there are people who have much more strange eating habits than you.
But the main thing is that it tastes DIR, don’t you think?
If it tastes you, good appetite.
Friendships usually do not form because of a dining style and do not break it.
There are certainly other people who eat something or something similar
Looks very single out. Almost only white bread and sausage and a small topping.
How about potatoes, noodles, vegetables, fruits, lentils, peas, nuts, oat flakes, beans, egg, …?
I don’t know what to do with friendships. Everyone can eat what you want. Ideally you find something you can eat together.
can be done. slightly dry without butter
Honestly, what you present makes me sad and leads to pity with you. Industrial bread and cheap sausage, combined with ketchup and peperoni… sad.
Buy a good bread from a handicraft baker, some sausage from the meatman and leave the ketchup.
And what do you think of Peperoni?
If there are fresh peperonis: delicious.
It’s completely stable.
I don’t think your food is so delicious, but that’s why I wouldn’t judge you.
The good Lyons from the bottom shelf. I’d rather eat the bread.
This is the good Aldi Toast for 69 cent much better that is not. I’ve picked up a beautiful walnut bread today
Yes, and the bread pane seems to me to be the good old peasant cuts from the plastic bag :))) At least a sparing meal.
Why would you just eat bread?
I think the cheap lyoner is the least-valued sausage you can get in a German supermarket.
This sausage isn’t healthy, but you don’t die either, don’t worry.
Is she healthy or unhealthy?
Pretty one-sided!
In addition, highly processed meat (meat sausage) is quite the most unhealthy one can eat on meat.
Why would a friendship break? But a friendship will certainly not result.
You forgot the smooth sausage slice
Looks very unappetic and unbalanced….what your friends say, I can’t judge.
Why does this look very impetuous and unbalanced? What are you doing?
I’d rather go to the board, they have more choices!