Wie findet ihr mein Abendessen?

Hallo ich m/13 habe mir das Abendessen gemacht (siehe Bilder) das Essen ich nur nachts weil ich bei meinen Eltern nur sehr wenig süß Essen darf… Und ich habe viel Hunger

Wie würdet ihr drauf reagierenwenn euer Kind so essen würde, was ist eure Meinung dazu

Habe ich eine esstörung

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2 years ago


How do you find my dinner?

Wash all the food up there to Kohlrabi – you will not regret it.

And to picture 2: Better energy would also be appropriate.

I sleep about: 2h

I like that, though.

2 years ago
Reply to  Niklas123849

Kohlrabi is cheaper than all in picture 1

2 years ago


2 years ago

The night you’re bridging candlestick in bed or how’s it going?
The food is definitely unhealthy, sometimes you can approve it but should not become a routine

2 years ago
Reply to  Niklas123849

Sounds like an extremely unhealthy lifestyle, but don’t worry.

2 years ago

The pulls of caffeine-containing sugar water wouldn’t exist with me – a 13-year-old has already turned up enough.

Dürüm is occasionally ok, a yogurt too – but three yogurts are too much sugar. I would secretly bunk milk cuts under my bed for me, but I would certainly not make available to the growing child.

If my son would feed like a barn-end scissor, there would be larger portions of healthier – then the overweight does not come to you when you secretly buy such stuff.

From one of your previous questions, I understand that your father already has severe heart problems in young years – something is sometimes inherited, a healthy lifestyle might be rethinkable.

2 years ago

Well, not the healthiest or a little nutritious. The best way to replace the energy drinks, at least not all at once.

You can do something, for example a chocolate bar etc.

2 years ago

I’d say all these are keen dinners first. Except one.Everything unhealthy,and much sweet.But always like you. :

2 years ago

It’s not the healthiest. And if you can’t eat it, I’d give it a lot back now.

2 years ago

Except on the yogurt with the corner, the food is top. I don’t like the yogurts. I have no idea about the drinks. I’m just drinking juice.

2 years ago

No, I’m 12 and if my parents aren’t there I’m already eating a chocolate bar, but if I make myself dinner, that’s a lot healthier and of sweets you won’t get enough so if you’re hungry then cook a decent zb. Bread potatoes or so LG

2 years ago

It’s not healthy and I wouldn’t call it dinner.
Your parents already have their reasons why they don’t let you eat so much sweetness and you should stick to it and not consume it behind their backs. In particular, not as a substitute for a full-fledged meal

2 years ago

I hate everything, 4 milk products, 2 energy drinks and a dough bag or what that is, you have a 100 pulse with 20.

2 years ago
Reply to  Niklas123849

Sounds like you’re proud of it.

2 years ago

This isn’t healthy at all, and you shouldn’t eat at all at night, and you shouldn’t eat such unhealthy things at all! If you eat a candy a day and move enough, that’s okay. But not at night such a big portion of candy!

2 years ago

So, what you can eat there is never eat once, that would be food for me for a whole day and would be too unhealthy to me. Sometimes it’s okay, but how about vegetables and fruit?

2 years ago
Reply to  Niklas123849

Yeah, well, then some fruit would make it better. You could replace an energy with water or tea.

2 years ago

What I think this situation best describes:

How unhealthy should your food be?
You: JAAA!

2 years ago

It’s a lot of sugar. I don’t have so much sweets at home

2 years ago

Eat what you want. It’s okay to eat, but we’re really unhealthy when you eat like that every night. All right. Go!

2 years ago

Glow yourself

2 years ago
Reply to  Lonecel

It’s not healthy. And I wouldn’t call it dinner.

2 years ago
Reply to  derstake

The boy is 13 to chill. Later he can and must stop anyway, just when you are 16/17

2 years ago

If you’re young, you don’t pay attention, but it’s changing pretty fast.

2 years ago

What brings you life when you’re sick?
It’s not about giving up everything. But just for a consumption in measure. Intermediately and not as a meal substitute

2 years ago

What brings you life if you don’t give up so much?

2 years ago

and why not follow a healthy life from the beginning?