What do you think of men who look like that?
Bleached – sparkling white teeth, solarium tanned skin, well-trained bodybuilder and shaved, smooth body.
Bleached – sparkling white teeth, solarium tanned skin, well-trained bodybuilder and shaved, smooth body.
Hey eine Frage an die mädchen – wie riecht ihr den ganzen Tag so gut bzw. Wie geht es, dass euer Duft so stark ist und jeder ihn riecht? Habt ihr günstige aber wirklich günstige Düfte wofür ihr viele Komplimente bekommen habt? Am besten aus der Drogerie
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Hey liebe Leser, ich war grade draußen ca 22:30 und es ist sehr nebelig bei uns als wir gerade aus oder nach oben guckten hat man richtig „Glitzer“ gesehen als wenn man Glitzer sprüht oder sowas….ist das normal hat das schonmal jemand gesehen oder kennt sich aus und kann sagen was genau das ist? Komme…
Hi. Ich bin von 8 bis 19 Uhr unterwegs, da ich von 9 bis 18 Uhr arbeite und lerne (Student). Wenn ich dann um 19 Uhr ankomme, gehe ich einkaufen, koche und esse, dann ist es fast schon 20:30 und ich bin von dem ganzen Tag kaputt. Nachdem ich die Wäsche mache, meine Tiere füttere,…
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at the bodybuilder I, woman, got out. Terrible. None of them are close to my type. I also think that they are the type that men find good, but that these men then attribute their own taste to women.
If you place great value on very good figures, I should rather look around the swimmers. They have ALL Bodies, but the bodybuilders are monsters,
For me, things are important.
A very big sex part?
also men’s taste.
No, if my fetish is satisfied 🙂
Just as ugly as all other people.
I personally don’t like a guy like that… But it is always important that these people feel comfortable themselves.
he certainly has a lot of money and doesn’t need to work.and most often it’s a lot richer parents who have never done anything…
I like to see well-maintained and musculous male bodies, if it is still natural. I can’t look at the extreme bodybuilders! That’s too unnatural. It looks the same for women! A woman no longer looks aesthetic for me!
Man and woman are artificially disfigured! That’s a shame!
I think he’s a blender. In the end it comes to other things.
Powerful effort.
For people who probably need longer in the bathroom than I do, I simply lack patience in everyday life.
Can look good,but usually they love themselves so much that there is no place for a woman
comic character, which in reality would not exert any stimulus on me
Isn’t there a guy who looks so powerful? I don’t care.
They maintain an alternative lifestyle with their special needs.
Just as superficial as your question.