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Interesting but too much praised in height, as there will be nothing rational and spirits and the stuff are also meaning-free – the realistic card unpacked.
Of course, dangerous can also be caused by plunging buildings or the like.
Nevertheless, I say…yes are interesting, fascinating places where you can create a gloomy construct in your head with a lot of thought cinema – often unforgettable
The most creepy there are the cable robbers
Depends on where and what and how.
“Lost Place ” is a wide field. And as here one said ghosts or other stuff, which could come out of this partly vague or depressing mood of some places – will not happen. 🤷
I was in Prypjat, that was a really good and interesting experience.
Was the whole range from somehow creepy to exciting, depressing due to the history and also the zeal of the video player, among other things, the range from MW1 to run as well as possible. 🤷
very interesting. Is of course not quite dangerous to enter a ruin
very exciting, know some of them
Bare bunkers, tunnels, canals, nuclear power plants and farmhouses.
I already purchased and sold some of them.