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A person with sensory food refusal shows a restricted/selective eating behavior/ drinking behavior.
“Only” in the food pricking around/ things picking out is still harmless, I think. And – depending on the basic cause – also comprehensible.
I have the attitude that it is okay if someone (no matter whether child or adult) does not like/ avoid one or other food/food combinations/ dishes. Whether due to a personal association, or due to the taste, smell, consistency, or due to personal physical or medical features (allergic, comminution in the oral cavity not possible, avoidance behavior to subsequently bypass as negatively perceived physical reactions).
Edit: I avoid, for example, sprite – as this triggers sodburn of hell in no time. I have eaten apples more and more rarely from a juvenile age, at the end I have eaten only peeled – as this caused me to irritate the cough (in the meantime only possible in the garden condition, as I show allergic reactions on raw apples).
My mother avoids eating honey pure – in her childhood she (according to her statement) once emptied a whole glass of Despite.
Spinach I migrated in my childhood and childhood – I associated it with small chopped grass. Capers I hated as a child – for me they looked like inlaid cubes without a tail. Rose cabbage is unpredictable in taste for children and is therefore avoided by many children.
One of my children didn’t eat a bit of cheese for years. No cheese or pancake cheese, neither cheese used to bake ups, nor cheese on a pizza. Meanwhile this teenager himself makes cheese bread / cheese toast.
Food preferences and dislikes can change over life. Create or weaken or disappear. That’s normal.
I don’t think it’s bad because I’m like that myself 🙈😂
about “Pickyeater.”
That’s what I call, conscious blessing.
And then carry out an analysis.
I only do when I’m alone,
and feel unobserved.
Well, if someone makes peas to eat against my will, he doesn’t have to wonder when they are sorted out.
Well, if someone picks peas or mushrooms from the risotto because he doesn’t like them, I don’t care and is also legitimate.
But it becomes stressful if someone eats only the peas or mushrooms from the Risotto…
tja in the question is not differentiated what kind of picken is meant.
What you see as pickyeater when the FA throws the word into the room
It is far more than just picking
I was like that when I was a kid, so who at I to judge.
Life is too short for bad food. That’s why I cook the things, if necessary, with a lot of effort, that taste me and that I do something good with.
Can I understand, I do myself and don’t bother me with others.
Such people are not long my table neighbours.
That’s it!
I guess you didn’t give them the right food, next time questions about what the person tastes are helpful.
Yeah, I don’t eat anything I don’t want to eat.
I’ll pick up some meat I don’t want to eat.
So you eat absolutely everything, no matter how funny, strange or strange it would be?
If you’re invited somewhere, I’m sure you won’t get a clue. Read your answer! Such people are only invited to me once and never again!
At pickyeater (what again for a Deng…) is NOT about individual foods that you don’t like in a dish. Mushrooms or peas or corn in a dish.
It’s about these people eating only the peas or mushrooms from the whole dish, because of Risotto or Paella.
I do not force my Turkish colleague to eat pork or an allergy sufferer.
The comparison suggests
Of course, if I’m invited, I can get something disgusting. There are things I wouldn’t even get to eat, so disgusting I find them. You don’t look for what you find disgusting and what you don’t
but if you can’t sort out what you don’t like or what would be harmful.
good or ey force my roommate lactice on which he hates
Why do you have to force someone?
You can also ask people beforehand whether they have a wish or can cook something own.
Don’t exaggerate! That’s not the point.
that I was forced as a child to eat absolutely disgusting stuff I should do my life is much healthier for self-determination, or in allergies in any case put peanuts.
Or lactose-intollerante completely bad.