Wie findet ihr Fleischersatz (fertig) Produkte?
Ich mein die fleisch Produkt nachahmen in aussehen konsetzsns Geschmack
ch habe bei manchen Produkten festgestellt das erhebliche teuer sind als schweinehack
Manche haben ellenlange Zutaten zusatzstoff Liste
That’s it. I call this a chemical question. I have eaten twice vegan substitutes, mistaken, understand, and found it both times disgusting,
I don’t think anything about finished products. But for those who want to dispense with meat or need it is a good alternative.
You can do something yourself. For example, chopped:
Or Köttbullar:
They are significantly more expensive only when you buy the brands. Otherwise, as the own brands now have the same price per 100g as the animal. And Ellenlange ingredients list also have the animal products.
Otherwise, I find some really good. Give it to me rather rarely, but not because of the price or the list of ingredients but because I prefer to cook freshly
It’s great for the meat substitutes. Has the food industry invented to earn something about vegetarians or vegans – otherwise a farmer of agricultural production would be enough. Thus they will also release their additives, etc.
I’ll take the original, the couple of times I’ll get it.
I don’t know what’s going on in my shopping basket. When a food gets processed and comes to me a long-range ingredients list… Then that’s for me.
Some taste, but I cook almost exclusively without.
best example is the analog cheese it was a huge uprising when it was known it was used in cheap pizza instead of real cheese.
Now you have greatly increased the price and it is extremely popular among the vegans.
don’t let you go
Some are delicious
One of the most unnecessary inventions.
The food industry is very inventive as it comes to the money of “believers”.
Either you eat meat or you don’t eat meat… the greens also drive real diesel cars and no bikes that look like diesel cars.
and then there are also the right weirdos like me, which are not green, and also drive by bike without diesel :O
But then a bike that looks like a bike and not like a sausage bud.
I’d never buy that. If I want meat, then I want meat and not a substitute product (if I want red wine to goose roast I don’t drink grape juice)
And I can’t give up the whole chemical. I’m not a friend of finished products.
Hello is cheating on the end user is in chemistry anyway.