Wie findet ihr eure Eltern?
Wie findet ihr eure Eltern? Was findet ihr gut/schlecht im Bezug auf eure Erziehung.
Sind eure Eltern geschieden? Waren es liebevolle Verhältnisse in den ihr aufgewachsen seid?
Schreibt gerne euer Alter bzw. ungefähres Alter dazu, denn sie Ansichten verändern sich ja im Laufe der Zeit manchmal.
I have a pretty good relationship with my parents. I have grown up in well-maintained conditions, my parents have always raised my siblings and me with understanding, humour and patience. With our problems and burdens you have in childhood/youth, we could always contact our parents. We were never condemned or even physically bred when we made a mistake, instead we tried to find a solution for the problem together with us children.
My father also taught me a lot along with my grandpa, I have already been interested in sports and crafts in childhood. These interests were promoted accordingly, my father sent me to swimming and basketball, my grandpa taught me a lot about the craft. My mother has also done a lot with us, and there was a lot that we look over the edge of the plate and discover and learn new ones. She made many trips with us and wanted to teach us something interesting.
Even at school, our parents have put a lot on it that we can do it and then receive a reasonable training.
In the meantime, I am 23, fully professionally trained industrial mechanic and now live alone. However, I still have very good contact with my parents and my younger siblings who still live with them. My family also lives only a few streets away from my present apartment, which is why I look past every few days.
I can’t complain about my parents and their educational methods.
I’ve always been a child. I honestly never could start anything with my fellow producer. Not least because he didn’t care for me and left my mother all the work with me. I think we’d be more together.
It’s hard to say. My parents had two different educational methods. My co-producer was rather rigorous – not extremely rigorous, but with unnecessary punishments, rigid consequence, zero flexibility etc. – while my mother noticed relatively early that this was not working with me. For over 20 years, it has been of the opinion that it is pointless to have to invoke a power struggle as a parent, which is not absolutely necessary.
I was really happy with my mother’s education. We respected each other, everyone showed his own limits … We have always been like girlfriends, with similar humour, similar views and perceived the world similarly (and as it turned out, this should not be a coincidence.) It’s still like that today.
My co-producer was much too active in my life when he could really educate me. I only know so much: if we had had more contact (and he was rather small than we were a “family”) and if he really had tried to educate me in his way, there would have been powerful terz. The few times he had tried and in which I was no longer the good little citrus egg, he was immediately over all the mountains because I was too exhausting to him. Oh, no, a 3-year-old who says no. How dare she! That’s never happened before. What is that?)
Yes, my mother threw him out of the apartment one night after she finally had the snout. I was about 9/10 years old. That was about 15 years ago. I have no more contact with him for 10-12 years.
Luckily, I could live with my mother. Not that I’ve ever been afraid to live with my fellow producer. If he had committed himself to it, it would have mean in some kind of arrogant way that I don’t care that he wants to spend time with me.
(To be brief: My parents had to share custody until my full year. My co-producer, however, thought that would mean my mother had the concern, he was right. So he always stood across when it was important etc. and never reported to me or my mother. They had to run after him all, even in the maintenance payment. The two had only sporadic contact with their lawyers during the custody dispute. It was important to the guy to show my mother that he doesn’t need to worry about me, pull over 400km away and be swallowed up from the ground – and still smiling, like a punky toddler who can make life hard. If he had given the sole custody of my mother, he would no longer have that power. If he had the sole custody, he would have had to take care of me and he didn’t want to.)
Hm, mostly, I guess. 95% of the time my mother had to take care of me and she was often stressed, because I was all but a simple child, but she was always… respectful. I understand. I wouldn’t call her predominantly loving. It depends on how to define this. She is really not a feeling miserable and she never overcrowded me with praises, as she found/finds, these always come down so “from above”. If you liked something I did, she told me that. I don’t know. I’d say it was okay as it was. Not perfect, but that’s not possible anyway.
This understanding, by the way, was not a coincidence, as already mentioned earlier. 4 years after my autism diagnosis, it turned out that she is also an autist. Well, now there was a lot of sense. No wonder that she was the only one in the family/relations that understood me – although at first only subconscious.
I’m currently 24 years old.
My father was terrible. His punishments consisted of beating me or famine. He died two years ago
My mother’s okay. I think she never did anything when my father punished me. But our relationship has improved. I would only want more consideration and seriousness regarding my psyche (I have depressive episodes and PTBS). Often she turns everything around so that she’s the victim and she’s bad. But in all, she’s actually a good mother.
I am 13 years old.
Can you be embraced?
There’s a very heavy relationship with my parents…
My father was an alcoholic who often practised violence on me, but my mother didn’t care about it, I never dared to tell anyone because I still loved my parents.
Besides, they smoked a lot before me and my sister, when you complained you were yelled…
I’m 25 now, I have a little daughter, and I’ve been living with my friend for almost 4 years.
Because of all that with my parents, I tried smoking (at about 16) while it remained until today… I am currently stopping (of course I never smoked in front of my daughter!)
Because of my rather severe childhood, I had/have had many mental problems (was already 3 times in a clinic because of this) and try to fight these for a long time, some traumas have also remained.
To conclude, I will give my daughter a much better childhood, without fear and violence, because no person should experience such a thing even in young years!
My mother was alone and my parents separated a few months after my birth. My father was/is alcoholic and my mother was the most time. Alk broke a lot.
In most things, she has completely failed. I grew up in poverty with broken clothes, cheap finishes and so on because she couldn’t handle money..I was just the ass-child who smelled cigarette smoke. I also had to deal more often with different types that my mother has dragged to make household was too much for them…and to work most of the time, of course.
Her school was also relatively careless. Notes, homework etc everything doesn’t matter. Even important notes that they should fill out, sometimes I’ve never seen them again or they’ve been lying around for weeks and then I’ve got stress with the teachers.
In addition, permanent relocations, etc… totaled a very uncertain childhood.
I was raised by my grandparents.
My mom died early and my father gave a shit to protect his children.
My grandparents have always been loving, but have let a little air breathe. Even overnight stays with friends always want to prevent them. No, I can’t. We have an appointment tomorrow morning.” Even in the field of becoming independent, they were not the best. I had to teach myself everything.
It was always only grandparents and never parents.
My parents have shared results that I have about education.
What’s good?
What’s bad?
And to make it short: I don’t know what to think of my parents as a whole.
How do you find your parents?
They’re like them.
What do you think good/bad about your education?
… good: the theoretically mediated values were true.
bad: practice followed the theory.
Are your parents divorced? Yes
Were there loving circumstances in which you grew up? Jein. Marriage problems took a lot of space and that was not better with separation. Plus: my mother didn’t have it so with the expression of positive feelings and probably struggled with no feelings for me (I know about her), but to want to be a good mother. Kids remember that.
Nevertheless: years ago there was the case Jessica in Hamburg. The child starving in a dark room. Her mother gave a statement not to have loved her daughter. My mother was pretty upset at the time because it’s not a reason to take care of his child. That’s all right. According to my mother, she has never loved me (she does not yet) and we have not had any form of relationship that is anything other than being related. But I was fed healthy, brought to the doctor when what was and did all that made my generation so (learn instrument etc).
Therefore: loving is certainly relative to us, but definitely well looked after (also with time…I always told my mother everything when I came from school as a child).
I moved to my father with 16. He’s telling me every conversation he loves me. He probably knew about my mother’s emotional problems with me, but didn’t take her seriously. “That doesn’t mean it. All mothers love their children. ‘
It’s a pity….the problem is more widespread than one believes and instead of making ideals before oneself, it’s better to get acquainted with relief offers and to defy the use.
I love both.
What was really good: we should not be afraid to come home with a bad censorship. That’s why there was a cake for comfort in a 5 or 6 class work (provided that I learned…but I always learned)….and then practice the subject every day an hour 🤷 ♀️ At one, there were two marks, a cake and you could go to play because you could. 🙂
Oh, I’m T50
My childhood wasn’t beautiful. I have no contact with my parents to protect myself. There were no loving circumstances. My childhood was influenced by violence of different kinds and I was born into a very unstable family. I’m all year round. Education wasn’t very good either. I am very anxious and still hear the negative words. On some days more, on others less.
Well, it could always be worse. There’s always worse why you always have to be grateful for his situation.
My parents are or were the best.
Of course, there were problems and stress before, but this is normal, but we had a beautiful childhood.
My parents separated when I was 12, that was hard, but you learned to deal with it.
Unfortunately, my father died, he was my rock in the fire and I miss him very much. With my mother I have a great relationship and we also have regular contact.
I’m 50.
Although I don’t have a close relationship with my parents, that’s not my nature. But my parents were always loving. Of course, there was a fight, the east, I think, normal. But my parents always supported me, and if I got one on the lid, then only because my parents wanted me to come forward in life. They’re not strict. My mother has always been home since birth, my father has made the money. So she was the one who slept with me. My father never. With my brother, they had more experience and, in my opinion, were more relaxed with him. Our relationship as a family in general is very good and I am happy about it. Even though I do not live with my parents due to training, and I am not often there because I want to be free and, as I have said, I am always good with my parents and grateful for their support. Not everyone has that, so you should be grateful for it
My parents would have done better therapy before they put a child in the world.
With my producer (or breeding box) I completely cancelled the contact.
My father has failed in my eyes as a father and as a man, but I still have contact with him – but trust is gone.
My mother has beaten me since at least the kindergarten and my father has delivered me by definition
Great, we have a very good relationship.
Apart from normal stress, we never had problems with each other.
However, they also demanded early use.
I’m from the Bauerhof. Every hand is needed.
I find my parents, should I ever look for them at the cemetery. ^^
They are good people who have given me good values and they are loving, but as “team” they could not have been worse. Rose war a million
It was difficult to see now
By looking for them at the cemetery.
When they were still alive, I found her all right.
How are we supposed to find her? We picked them all.