Wie findet ihr es wenn ein homosexuelles Paar ein Kind adoptieren würde?
Sollten Homosexuelle Paare Kinder adoptieren?
Sollten Homosexuelle Paare Kinder adoptieren?
Wenn er bei mir ist oder wir was unternehmen, dann verweigert er das er mich zb auf insta oder snap postet oder das wir unterwegs sind. was soll das bedeuten? Mag er mich nicht wirklich? Hat er noch andere die nicht wissen dürfen das er eine Freundin hat? was ist deine Meinung?
Hallo zusammen, kann eine Frau, wenn sie befruchtet wurde und 6 Tage später ihren Eisprung hat, schwanger werden?
(Natürlich ist ein gesundes Gewicht für einen am besten.) Ich hör oft untergewichtige Leute mit einem schnellen Stoffwechsel sagen, dass sie Probleme mit zunehmen haben. Dazu sagen die übergewichtigen Leute öfters, dass sie lieber genau dieses Problem haben würden. Ist vielleicht ne komische Frage, aber was wär denn euch “lieber”, Untergewichtig oder Übergewichtig zu sein?
Ich finde es sehr reizend, wenn ich mir zuerst Mühe für eine Person geben muss, die erst nicht interessiert ist, wenn die Person aber dann interessiert an mir ist, empfinde ich plötzlich das Gefühl von Ekel und möchte Abstand. Ist das normal?
Das kennen bestimmt einige von euch…Rattenplage im Keller, vor der Haustür und in Müllcontainern. Da unsere Wohngesellschaft nichts unternimmt überlegen wir Mieter was wir tun können um diese Ratten, die immer mutiger werden und sich an uns ran trauen, zu verjagen. Ratten töten möchte ich nicht wirklich da ich selber Ratten mag (als Hausratten). Ihr…
Couples that are suitable should be able to adopt a child.
Sexual orientation has nothing to do with suitability
Just because penguins are not gay.
I think that is an argument drawn to the hair.
Absolutely. Children in rainbow families are known to find everything they need to become strong and independent personalities. And tolerance is not just a word in these families, but is lived.
You can’t be taken seriously. I hope you don’t have children who have to grow up under your influence. You are the perfect example that not gender, but your own attitude is to decide for education.
And how far is tolerance lived in such family forms?
because the child has it as good as a heterosexual couple. So a homosexual couple, with equal qualifications, should also be allowed to adopt a child.
Should be the most normal of the world in 2020
is no problem we are jetz in a century where everyone should be considered equal
I used to say that a child needs a father and a mother. Just around different sides of guidance, tenderness, affection and natural Knowing educational styles and ways of solving conflicts. Today I know so many single parents and have met so many “bad” parents through my profession that I must admit that my ideas were completely idealized. Today I think it is not important. (Father and mother is good, or a child needs a mother). But that it is necessary for people who are loving, to some extent ripe for it and really enjoy it.
…a different-sex pair has no significant advantages.
Roll pictures? Hmm… Should the dear mommy teach her daughter how to wear dresses and be beautiful, and should the strict father teach his son how to throw himself in the mud and play football? I think that’s unnecessary, so we hope we’ve left behind.
Enlightenment? Sure, maybe a woman knows better what she has to say to her daughter, but that doesn’t mean that a man is incapable of getting advice on the Internet or from female relatives and possibly adding an aunt, grandma or the like. (The whole is of course the same)
Mobbing? If this is an exclusion criterion, there must also be no more children for people with disabilities, HartzIV receivers, obesity, “foreign” and cleaning staff. SiE köNNtEn jA geMoBbT WeRDEn. The same applies to the argument that children should grow “normal”.
comes to where they live thinking in köln deulich easier for the child than in bayern on a small village
in many parts and areas our company is not yet as far as this would harm the child but I think in a large city it would go without problems
think of the words of the former Mayor of berlin
He was also a “big model”, the Lord “Partylöwe”.
Yeah, because it doesn’t matter how good parents they are. Why forbid them?
In the case of the current exaggeration of the Earth, it would be quite simple … or why own (biological) children?
gay couple… why not as long as the child does not have to suffer. Think about the freedom of choice of Kindes if it becomes more subtle and perhaps has questions like “Why do I have two muetters and no father? Enlightenment (communication) is appropriate (wonderful worth). Everything better than religious fanaticism. …
PS: Persistently I think the classic family is best (my opinion) o Different voting. But I am also in favour of freedom of expression and tolerance.
Yeah, why not? Just because they’re gay, it doesn’t mean they can’t do it well.
I know some of them who have clearly enacted it as real parents
Gays can also deal well with children.
Total… Many reasons for this are not just misinformation or hatred for people like themselves.
Why ‘wore’…. it’s happened a couple of times.
… it is the only form of justice.
You should ask yourself if the child would be grown up and it would have been behind you with childhood, whether it would have had Papi and Mai like most others or whether it was ok with Papi 1 and 2.
This alone should be for whom a child is entrusted. It is not a symbol of equality, it should be the only decisive size here.
there are many children who have grown up and are now even adults. There has hardly been any negative comments on this.
That’s good.
It’s always bothering me, it’s considered a right to adopt children, but that’s not a right – nobody. It is the right of a child to get smart parents, no more.
no one has a right to adoption, nor heterosexual. There are certainly couples who want to adopt, but are rejected because they are unsuitable. The youth office looks very closely.
I think so, but in the interest of the child
Children should grow up in a family and not in the White House. :
I think it would hurt the child, because unfortunately the society is not yet so far and then it would be used to bullying measures.
(My best friend had such a problem with bullying due to equal-sex parents)
If you want, you always find a reason to bully others. If the parents teach their child the necessary self-confidence, that is no problem at all.
So overweight people, HartzIV-receivers, obstructed, mentally disabled people and cleaning staff, in your opinion, cannot get children, because they could be abused?
would it not be more sensible to deal with the mobber? They’re the problem, not the bully victims.
If you want, you will always find something you can use for mobbing. Too small, too big, too thick, too thin, the wrong hair color, the wrong skin color, the wrong music taste, the wrong clothes, the wrong smartphone, the wrong hobbies, etc.
So no one should have a child because it could always be bullied.
You are right
it would have been nice if you had written your own opinion on it.
there are many years of experience of children who have grown up in homosexual couples. They’re not worse than other children.
Anyway, there is no reason to speak.
A child needs decent (!) and more loving (!) parents who also have time for the child and who can offer good education!
Whether it’s a man-man, woman-man, man-woman-woman-dog-man-constellation, it doesn’t matter!
I don’t see a problem. Parents like everyone else.
Mostly even better parents, as they deal much more with the problem of child education than heterosexual couples.
………my gay neighbor has “explained” me as a child and I fear that they also apply this practice to adopted children.
And just because your neighbor is gay, are all the other homosexual men the same? Aha, interesting.
His gayness hadn’t disturbed me at all, but why was this lived out to us children? 😖
I was told in the 2nd class by a teacher about rape and anal sex, I didn’t find that tingling but she was straight.
you mean it was talked about homosexuality? Wow, that’s so bad. After that, you must have used to therapy for years…
So you take a single experience from your childhood and think that everyone else is acting like the neighbor at that time – quite ignorant.
Maybe “explained” was the wrongly chosen word for his actions to us and what we had done with him.
No, I didn’t need a psychiatrist for sexual abuse and making fun of it is under all the mess.
I think that there are clearly “more favourable” opportunities for two paedophile men to find a victim of abuse than to initiate a long-term adoption procedure with unknowledged outcomes, one being constantly monitored by the authorities. So many children in Germany are not free to adopt. With nursing children, one has to be presented to the Youth Office once a week.
Who made this funny? You wrote something about enlightenment, where should we know he abused you?
And again: just because this happened to you, it doesn’t apply to all. There are also heterosexual men who abuse children – yet nobody says anything when adopting heterosexual children.
So by the way: the youth offices look very closely to whom they give a child, and who not, of so…
In any case, it was in the primary school in front of the 4th grade, and I also think that heteros can also explain to a disturbing white.
So on the one hand it’s hard to believe that. In the 2nd grade, the children are around the 8 years old, as teachers usually do not talk about rape and anal sex.
And what do these topics have to do with homosexuality? Analsex and rape are also under heteros. And there’s nothing to do with adoption.
Actually, I would say no, but if you say something about homosexuals in Germany you are quickly away from the window so I prefer to be quiet;)
Just because someone is homosexual, it does not mean that he cannot take responsibility for a child, can give him a home and security.
love is love
I don’t mind. Gay couples can donate love and security as well as raise a child like a heterosexual couple.
In addition, children who might otherwise have grown up in a home get a loving home.
In any case better than a children’s home
Just because everyone is the same.
Of course.
If they love the child, nothing speaks about sexuality
I don’t want to deny a homosexual couple the desire for children. But I believe that children grow better in a traditional family image. It is now necessary to confront the various role images in order to form its own identity. And surely it can also be in a non-traditional family. But in a “natural” family it has the better conditions and framework conditions. That doesn’t mean that I’m basically opposed to homosexual children, they usually grow up properly, but they just lack something.
Do you think homosexual parents have no parents, siblings and other relatives? The eternal argument that the children in rainbow families lack the male or female part is simply wrong.
But the children have no such close relationship with other relatives. The role of parents cannot be replaced so easily. Thank you.
Okay, so I have the feeling you don’t want to discuss constructively, but just insult men and other people. If you can’t handle expertise, facts and opinions if they don’t match your worldview, you might better not write on such a platform.
Yeah. What hormones affect character and behavior? The Arzschloch hormone or the decentness hormone? Because these are the two main directions in behavior. And DAFOR decides each person SELF. Every day.
As far as conflict resolution is concerned, I agree. Men are usually incapable and involuntary to go to the depths, they feel compelled by accurate analyses, energized and threatened. But that doesn’t mean it wouldn’t be changeable. Man just has to roll. And some men even understood direct shots in front of the bug and started to reflect on their behavior better. You just have to of the valuebe aware or become aware of a thing or a person.
I’m sorry to have to contradict you. Men and women differ significantly in character and behaviour. What is not because the one has a penis and the other has a vagina, but which hormones in the respective body determine the action and behavior. With regard to conflict solutions alone, women can see a greater tendency towards far-sightedness, so want to see all the details. Analyze everything and discuss it carefully. Most men have a focused tunnel view. Concentrated to the initial position, with a view to actual and desired states.
Or more simply, in the behaviour of a conflict, you can see that women often want to analyse the conflict as a whole and explore it to detail, while men want to go the most direct way without detours. Both productive but rarely successful in combination.
I could give you countless other examples. And it starts with the respective hormones, depending on sex and education.
Then explain how it is to be a man.
I haven’t been in the world since yesterday. Men officially differ from women only by their gender feature. Otherwise, men are not living beings from another star. Their characteristics, behaviors and their feelings are not different from those of women, like their desires and needs.
It is only crucialwhich of the two wolves men, so men AND Women feeding in if you know the Indian legends of the two wolves.
But two women cannot live up to a child as it is a man. And don’t talk about role pictures in the sense of “the man drinks beer and looks football” or “the woman does the housework” but about the basic character and essence of the respective sex. For even if there are no classical role images (fortunately), men and women are emotionally, characteristically and behaviorally different “being”. And again, I’m not against homosexual couples having children, I just think you should consider it critical. And I have these worries not only with equal-sex couples. This also applies to heterosexual parents who for various reasons do not provide a good basis for raising a child.
There are no more rigid role images. And I meant not only enlightenment, but also Life and Bringing.
What do you mean “development of your own identity”? Girls just learn girls’ stuff and boys just boys’ stuff?
Don’t let guys play with dolls and girls never play with cars?
May a girl be handcrafted with you? Can a boy learn ballet with you?
May men be with you when a child was born and the woman goes to work?
Oh. Well, that’s your thing.
the sense is that I do not believe you a word.
Your last comment doesn’t make any sense. You cite my comment in which I write what experiences I have, and then write that I have no experiences but prejudices. Except that I have homosexual couples in my circle of friends who also have children.
Okay, so you have no experience, just personal prejudices. That’s all I wanted to know.
Exactly, I’ve been dealing with identity development and child development psychology for years.
And how do you get that knowledge? Have you studied psychology? Have you been dealing with identity finding for years? Or where did your knowledge come from?
Unfortunately, this is only limited. It is possible to inform children about the roles. But they do not know the extent to which they need their own identity for development. But as I said, this is not supposed to mean that children of homosexual couples do not grow up well. Even single persons suffer under these circumstances. And both single parents and homosexual couples are quite able to raise a child. There is no difference to heterosexual couples.
You HABEN parents. And even if it’s outside your plate, be assured that children in rainbow families will receive and know ALL role pictures.