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1 month ago

That’s not true! The side effects on the man are considerably more serious. This goes up to a considerably higher risk of cancer.
The pill for the woman prevents the body from pregnancy, with many side effects that also occur in pregnancy, so actually quite natural!

1 month ago

I do not think it is good that the responsibility for prevention is more common among women. In my opinion, an additional contraceptive for men is a step that is more equitable. I think it’s right if you have a lot of options for prevention on both sides. Certainly, some men would also wish to get an alternative to condom and vasectomy.

I am also very disturbed that research in contraception methods for men is less widespread and that this is due to the lack of demand/financial resources.

1 month ago

I don’t care. If you don’t want to take the pill, you’ll avoid it.

I’ve been taking them for 15 years and never had any problems or side effects, I’ll get them super.

1 month ago

First of all, it was not a pill that had the “cracking” (80% of students wanted to continue) side effects, but rather a hormonal monthly syringe.
Pill simply does not go because testo has no oral availability. Only way: stero.
Yeah, there are men who do that.
And in France, it would even be possible for men to get the syringe prescribed.

Hormonal is even further researched, currently a shoulder gel nes/t

Non-hormonell is yct529 as a pill candidate in study.

Then there are still studies on ADAM, PlanA (= Vasalgel/RISUG), and it is claimed in 2026 the authorisation is available.

And then there is something that can already be used, currently there are around 20k users. for almost 2 years now:
“thermal prevention for the man”, with Andro-switch / slip-chauffant.
The approval study for the ring is up to 2027. The studies on the slip (since the 80s) show a Pearl index 0.5.

1 month ago

If there was one, there would be one.

But find the condom better than a pill with side effects.

1 month ago

gives enough other contraceptives wrde no one to force so ne pille to take

1 month ago

This should be simply on the market. Would you hop into the box with a man without condom with a safe feeling, which assures you that you are always good and regularly taking the pill?

1 month ago
Reply to  bwhoch2

I agree that it is on the market because the demand is not there. But I don’t understand your justification. Men can be just as insecure if the woman takes the pill. Or where do you see the difference?

1 month ago
Reply to  hoyacarnosa

One looks at how many single-parent women exist and then there is a good statistics on how many men comply with their maintenance obligations, let alone help the women concerned with child care. A lot of people just push.

Men generally assume that it is the first interest of women to prevent pregnancy and therefore they do not really see themselves in duty and rely too much on women. So that there is no misunderstanding: I don’t think it’s so good,

1 month ago
Reply to  bwhoch2

(bin M) without trust in the partner, it is in any case stupid to leave the condom away. STI still exists.

Conversely, as a man, I also like to be able to be prevented on my side (bin I)

1 month ago
Reply to  scottyutb

I am convinced that, due to the high cost of research and development, the markets have been thoroughly examined by the pharmaceutical companies.

1 month ago

Yeah, big pharma has completely withdrawn. Research is currently taking place with non-profit (Parsemus, entrelac, …) organizations.
Bzw, for the “cocooner” is currently running a crowdfunding (towing, but it is running)

For the Andro switch ring is 1% (business plan…) Users among men the idea. A recent survey in Austria has yielded 1.4% interested parties (and 0.1% user, still lacking approval)

1 month ago

Good question! I’ve always wondered. Even though many girls have no side effects they do not recognize, we only damage ourselves with the pill. I’m so glad I can’t keep the pill

1 month ago

the side effects are reduced to a minim meanwhile and even have a positive health effect when studying this.

since the 70s and a pill for the man, so if you read the research…

  • ach, read, tend to write, prefer to involve cananabis
1 month ago
Reply to  buddl1358

It’s not about removing the pill for the woman. But a hormonal contraception method for men who should of course not have more side effects would be fair or not?

1 month ago
Reply to  hoyacarnosa

I have neither read nor described what has been proven, but perhaps this is possible in the not too distant future. so that a vasectomy remains the only way out because of incompatibility (as with my acquaintances…)

1 month ago

Ah, then I misunderstood your answer. I’ll give you the right.

1 month ago

Is there: Viagra means the stuff 😅

1 month ago
Reply to  Cananabis

Kiff less that was a joke.