wie findet ihr es (bild)¥p?
ich w/14 hab heute wieder was gemalt mit meinen eigenen style, das war heute mein erster versuch ein körper zumalen! ich bin stolz drauf da ich es vorher nie geschaft hab. wie findet ihr es und was könnte ich verbessern? (diese flecken sollen blut sein da er wissenschaftler ist 😅)
to be quite good I’m the arms of a little thin painting so they look too wide.
At the sixpack I would put more on shades
In itself, however, I would make the lower area of the abdomen somewhat narrower 🙂 because the face is very striking and the bones are striking, which is why the face is nich “spangled” and then comes a small “fat tree” with indicated structural muscles, which disturbs me something even if the chest area fits very well 😀 itself well managed:) can be quietly proud
ps: maybe looking for elbows to make low arms slightly narrower 🙂 you have made shoulders quite narrow and then wide arms to harmonize not so well
oki, thanks for your tip! 😊
Pretty strange, this picture!
Interesting approach!
I wonder why to raise it, but you can’t say more about it
so I can tap what I could improve