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I often don’t like it.
Of course, the characters of an author always have a part of him. That makes sense. For example, it is much easier for someone of mythology to write about someone who writes mythology.
This idealized one is a problem here. Because you create a perfect person so fast, who is no longer human.
Of course, you should work with figures that you can understand and understand yourself, but you should be careful that a figure does not come too close.
One problem is that such a figure can then no longer make mistakes, since the author would otherwise represent himself as bad and imperfect.
And that’s the thing, a figure should be imperfect. And to present an imperfect figure of itself, and that then also to publish and thus to present to the world, requires quite self-reflection.
It usually reads pretty bad when you don’t have the same wishes as the author.
One of the best-known examples of this is Bella Swan in the Biss series. Robert Pattinson, who played Edward Cullen, spoke quite clearly about the fact that after reading the book and his casting Stephenie Meyer, he could not take any more seriously and felt uncomfortable, because it was so clear and so disgusting for him that she wrote so much about putting herself into Bella when writing. Even more strange, of course, because Stephenie Meyer was an adult woman at that time (and not only recently grown up), and writes about how her projection with teenagers is going to fade.
Of course, it is so that as an author you always have a piece of your own ‘soul’ in every character you write. Especially in the case of main characters, and even more when written from their perspective. But it’s a difference between whether you have the same humor as your main character, or whether you write a story that’s just about that you’re so great and special that everyone admires you.
Depending on the author, the embellished self-projection is very different from the author. Some people want to be quite different than they are.
I’m saying, if it’s done well and has little to do with the author, the accusation of “Self insert” doesn’t come. Self insert as a accusation, as a complaint always means that the work has great makel.
I’m sorry.
Can’t be all right…
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Named Narcissmus