Wie findet ihr dieses Cover?
Ich habe es selbst gemalt.😊 Es ist eine Tagebuchgeschichte. Würde mich interessieren, was ihr davon haltet. ❤️
Ich habe es selbst gemalt.😊 Es ist eine Tagebuchgeschichte. Würde mich interessieren, was ihr davon haltet. ❤️
Hab ich gerade random gefunden. Sie ist halt ca.18-22 und das hört man natürlich auch an ihrer Stimme, aber das Cover ist meiner Meinung nach sehr schön. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AcGbuveDwTg
hallo 🙂 ich würde gerne die Polyform Super Sculpey Modelliermasse benutzen um eine Figur zu machen. ich habe die Alufolie unter der der Modelliermasse mit kreppklebeband befästigt. die figur mussfür 190 grad und 15 minuten in den Backofen. ist das problematisch weil unter der masse band aus papier ist? ich hab auf anderen Plattformen gesehen…
Hallo, ich habe ein Kleid und möchte darauf für Halloween ein paar Efeuranken befestigen aber eben nur für kurze Zeit. Ich möchte nicht gern Löcher rein machen also Sicherheitsnadeln nehmen. Es sollte also danach nichts mehr davon zu sehen sein. Ideen?
Ich suche Internetseiten wo man Berufe nach Schulfächern sortiert finden kann Danke für eure Vorschläge
Ich bin 12 Das ist das erste Mal dass ich einen Menschen male
Hallo ich kann mich zwischen den beiden gerade nicht entscheiden. Was würdet ihr empfehlen?
Looks really cool, maybe a little bit ahead of it, but otherwise quite good. Continue hard and good luck in history!
I think it’s great. Each painted has its history
Thank you for your dear feedback!
Sure. I find it creative
Don’t sound bad now, but in my eyes the chaotic looks. You don’t know where to look. You better practice a bit, then you’ll be fine.
I painted this two years ago, meanwhile I’m making the covers different.
I think it must be Klara. Something about the title must stand out. fall in eye
I don’t think so. You can’t see anything but were carved, which is really the lowest level…
To my defense, I was 12. Besides, it’s just about creativity, not to make it professional. And it’s not even true.
You don’t have to justify yourself. You asked for the opinion of others and got an honest answer.
Then you’ll feel insulted by me personally. No desire for such kindergarten here with you….who can’t criticize should just not ask for others.
Of course I’ve read the complete set. And of course it has something to do with offense. It’s not helpful either.
You probably didn’t read the complete set, otherwise you would know that this is related to the drawings, which, unfortunately, just puts one fact back, because it was not drawn at a high or medium level. This has absolutely nothing to do with someone insulting, but only describes the evaluation of the image you had asked.
“lowest level”
Where should I insult you?
Yes, but you should still be respectful and nice and not directly insult one.
Reminds me of a child drawing, but not of a cover from a nem book.
Okay, I painted two years ago.
I’m talking to books about other covers. Look at Astrid Lindgren’s design of the books or Cornelia Funke has made children’s books very beautiful from my point of view. Sven nordqvist also has very nice cover.
Exactly, the taste is different. I don’t talk to these covers you called at all, and I have to guess the content.
Just do it! Astrid Lindgren wrote ronja predator 1981. Many children still read this book. Petterson and findus came out in 1984, still known and still stuff is produced. And still illustrated by Sven.
But taste is different. Here you can see examples that have been under 40 years or less. If I had a child, I would also read Peterson and findus. Instead of a cover where I have to guess the content.
if it is to be this diary format, check out Greg’s diary.
I don’t think so.
In a picture, I wonder what the girl rides? Left beside the red chair. I don’t know what to see and what to see.
That’s a swing horse.
OK………………………………….. but has no similarity with a swinging horse.
I’m sorry.