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Sun Diego Diss Likes manipuliert?
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text is good
Joar it is, but I wouldn’t do it on my playlist.
Lg :
Because on the basis of the title it is most likely Hamas propaganda, I don’t like it
Here is a beautiful picture of what I think of Palestine or the Pro Pali demos
As embarrassing, 12-year-olds in Jewish discord servers also posted 💀
I actually did this by tiktok
And embarrassing are you and the other Hamas faithful supporters
Go Form
You speak to me from the soul
You support them
You don’t have to support Hamas to be human.
Do not hold much of Turk-Baar music
Not so much my taste
Isn’t that what this is?
I’m sorry, but I thought I’d give the Arabic song a chance, and then German robe of someone who thinks he’s a good rapper.
At the first moment I thought I could be Arabic,m, because I understood that.
Was wrong sry
nice ya 🇵🇸