Wie findet ihr diesen spontanen text?

hi,bin 12w und mag es zu schreiben.Ich hab einfach mal spontan iergendeinenText geschrieben,bei dem ich mir aber auch nicht allzu Mühe gegeben habe(10min),deswegen ist es auch nicht schlimm wenn ihr Kritik äußert;)

Es hat mich sehr getroffen,meine Seele war rabenschwarz,liebesfeindlich und hatte eine hoffnungslose Atmosphäre verleiht,die viel erzählt.Doch plötzlich sehe ich ein Licht…,die Dunkelheit verblasst.Ich treffe den Frohsinn,meine bessere Hälfte ist gefüllt worden(!).In den Lichtern sind Glühwürmchen,in meinem Fall die Schmetterlinge(im Bauch),ich habe mich gefunden(!).Ich spüre die Verbindung zwischen mir und dir.Es ist wie ein Traum,ein Traum,nach dem ich sehnsüchtig bin.Unsere Hände erschließen die Wärme. ….[…]

Ich höre einen lauten Knall.,,Das Licht maskiert sich hinter der Dunkelheit, wo seit ihr hin,mein Lieber?“.Die Wut hat das Leuchten erobert,es hat sich mit der Ablehnung befüllt und platzte.Ich falle in einem tiefschwarzen gefühllosen großen Loch runter,mir trifft es ins Auge!Ich sehe ein Licht!,das jedoch zerbricht—…

Und es war der Moment,als du mir meinen Gefühlen entgegnet hast.

Und wie ich mich um dich gezorgen habe,habet ihr mir euren Hass dennoch verborgen.

Wie findest ihr es?

Ich weiß ehrlich gesagt nicht,ob alles an der Grammatik stimmt,könnt ihr mich darauf hinweisen und ein Feedback geben?

Danke im Voraus

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1 year ago

It hit me very much, my soul was rabenbschwarz,feindlich and had given a hopeless atmosphere that tells a lot.

I find that sentence rather critical.

On the one hand, I find the description of my own soul as a ‘rabenblack’ not so successful. If someone else uses it as a metaphor, I’m still okay, but here it doesn’t tell me what you probably wanted to express.

The second part of the sentence is (sorry) simply completely aimless. Even if you change it in correct grammar and a somewhat more beautiful style (‘my soul had been given a hopeless atmosphere’) I still find it quite nothing meaningful.

Overall, I don’t know what the sentence is supposed to tell me and that’s not good. Because you can’t really create any mood and feel at the reader. That would be good, because in the next sentence, you’re talking about it.

But I see a light.

This light is presumably in contrast to the darkness that the person feels at the beginning… here it would be better for the reader to clarify the situation at the beginning, so as to make it better suddenly.

Nevertheless, HIer should stay in time form. You start writing in preteriority, then you suddenly change into the present. You should stay at a time… something happens to many people who just start writing… That’s a point I’m saying, “Even if you’re young, you can control it.” And it’s just a mistake that shouldn’t happen.

I would (but this is now high again, that I expect with 12 of you not to let the darkness fade.

Imagine a sun ray that breaks through a dark cloud cover… all of a sudden the dark world has been dipped into light. this is ultimately what you want for your character. And there is nothing (that would be much slower, more leisurely), but it is light.

I’m seeing the threat, my better half has been filled. In the lights are glowworms,in my case the butterflies(in the belly),I found(!).

Here I would say what I said about sentence 1… it is VERY lyrical, but enormously inaccurate. You can get MAL if you really have a scene (or if you write poems for me) but if you get a reader into such a scene, then it’s hard to orient yourself somewhere.

I don’t think the whole thing is perfectly formulated. As I said, you’re young, I don’t necessarily expect you to find the perfect word that you can use for ‘lost’. But ‘I’m meeting the threat’… I don’t really think I’m successful, I’m sorry.

The same with the ‘better half’ that is usually not filled, but it is actually the partner in person. if necessary, the place of the better half is filled… but you would have to write that too.

In fact, I would find it even better if you were simply swapping about ‘I meet my better half, threatfulness fills me.’ This is not ideally formulated in my eyes, but at least it would be appropriate for the words.

The next sentence is the same in my eyes…

‘In the lights are glowworms, in my case butterflies in my belly, I have found myself.’

In my eyes, this is a series of parts of the sentence that make little sense.
You talk about good aspects that can be addressed in a romantic scene. Light, brightness, sudden brightness when you find this one person, butterflies in the belly…

I think that you have a rough concept what you want to address and that also fits from content, but less of how you want it to the reader.

For if it has already become bright (two sets before), then in my eyes glow worms are completely obsolete. You wouldn’t see them anymore. Then glowworms also have a different metaphorical task than the butterflies in the abdomen.

And the ‘I’ve found myself’ falls for me also very much from heaven… then, however, I would rather go into the self and search for meaning of the person in advance, and DANN finds this partner and suddenly the own life makes sense. It is cleanly toxic if one considers it realistic, but it would make sense at least in the context of history.

Otherwise, leave the exclamation marks and, above all, leave the parentheses. Either you WILLST write the content (then without clip) or it is not important in your eyes, but then leave it completely.

The next sentences are okay… ‘It’s like a dream. A dream after which I am addicted I would divide into two sentences and I would put it to the end

Because through this addiction (this is again what I do not want to know from you) you give the whole positive thing a slightly dark, discreet negative touch. (Don’t be compelling… here I’d feel it like that).
As I said, I would put it to an end… in the last sentence, you have again this word problem ‘creating heat’… that’s not pretty in my eyes… because usually you reveal any mineral resources.

“The light masks itself behind the darkness, where since you, my dear?”.The anger has conquered the light, it has filled with the rejection and burst.I fall down in a deep black, emotional big hole, I hit it in the eye!I see a light!,but it breaks—…

Here I have problems to understand what you actually want… There’s literal speech… we have the bang that scares her, okay, but why does she say that? And is he suddenly gone? You could have said that to the reader somewhere… in general what happens through this bang.

After everything I know as a reader, it’s still bright and her lover is ahead of her. If something has changed, then please say that to the reader at least. Show him somehow (written) that the figure stands again alone and in the darkness.

If your figure falls, let them feel like the ground trembles and disappears under their feet, let them feel fear and despair instead of this enormously lyrical interpretation, in which I also do not know where to come back at once.

Otherwise… it falls into a deep black hole (not down… it just falls)

Then that with the eye as its own sentence (I would also formulate differently).

And I wouldn’t write that ‘break’. It’s small, but because of the mime on ‘light’ I would use a different term if the rhyme is not explicitly wanted.

And it was the moment you gave me my feelings.

And as I have scorned for you, you still hide your hatred from me.

In the first sentence, grammar is not correct (it was the moment when you answered my feelings. (if that’s what you want to say))

‘Gezorgen’ is not there and I wouldn’t use ‘habet’. (I don’t know if it’s pure typos, or not).

So to make it short:

I think you should think about ‘what I want to write’ at the beginning. You did that, you somehow have a love scene that is very exaggerated in my eyes, but at the same time it is possible to name the feelings of the person exactly… about the metaphors it is sometimes possible to find out what is actually happening, but also not throughout.

I mean, I think I understand what you wanted to do with the ‘time break’, but I’d tell you about it. Your figure can tell the whole thing from a later time as a reminder (in the sense of ‘I still know how I was then. Hopeless and abandoned I went through life without remembering what light and warmth are. But when I saw you, a ray of sunshine broke through the cloudy cloud cover and with it the colors of an entire world’) and then at the end draw their conclusion.

But then I would also go through it at the beginning and not the first sentence from the second boundary, because all that counts to the past (or you take the first sentence as ‘as it is now’ and puts the love scene in the past for it.

Otherwise… as I said… vocabulary is something that forms with time, for which I simply recommend to read, to look at what happens to synonyms and, if necessary, also to think about ‘what I want to express’ or ‘what a picture I want to see that the reader then has in front of you’

Because I wrote that a few times: You push the whole thing very much into lyrical stories and metaphors, sometimes as a reader I can only see what actually happens.
This sometimes also makes me even more aware that these lyrical ornaments suffer from small mistakes, which then also neglects the overall impression.

What I would advise you about this: do not try to concentrate too much on these lyrical aspects, but build a foundation, a story that (even if it may be short) is understandable for itself. And you can insert small bows and snares… but comprehensibility is going on.

Imagine it as if you were in school and write a job and you look more on a beautiful writing than on the content. Clearly, such ornaments (correct and especially also used dosed) can help to make a very good story from a good story or from an okay story a good one. The story in itself, which is under it, but also has to be solid, and I don’t see that in your scene completely, because as a reader, I never really know what to express here.

As I said, it’s a 10 minute thing, so I’ve spent more time with my feedback on it than you’re writing and you’re 12, since I really don’t expect perfection. But it should be understandable somewhere if you let it be based on metaphors and linguistic ornaments, then make sure they really fit or you let them out.

In any case, I found some good things on approaches… but it would have been better for me that you really would have exhausted these approaches and looked that you put them down in a meaningful order with story instead of taking one, and then one and another, and at the end you have an enormously high tower of semi-finished linguistic images behind which you can see the story (but it is complicated).

As I said… even if it was difficult in my eyes, it would be better to further expand the foundations and perhaps to write a text that really focuses on a more clear action and where you may be. also play a little with the emotions of the characters.

Here we have strong contrasts you suggest. But at least I had strong problems in putting myself into the character or that really the feelings are shown and awakened that could have been introduced into the scene well.

I definitely hope you’ll stick to it 🙂

All love and success 🙂

1 year ago
Reply to  Wiegehtseuch34

All right, let’s keep playing the game…

The word may be Dutch, but WARUM are you suddenly adding a Dutch word? This one word? Why? Why here? What connection does it have with the story?

Here, too, if you bring that up, you can do it. But then you ask yourself as a reader why suddenly a word falls from heaven in a foreign language

1 year ago

as a 10 minute fingering exercise completely okay. in such finger exercises you simply let your thoughts flow loosely, don’t look further on spelling and grammatic, but just what’s going through your head like that.

this is a exercise to let loose to lose the fear of the white sheet to turn off the zensor and to create a living and spontaneously filled text.

but it is of course not a final version of a text. that happens in a different way if you leave the fingering exercise for longer time and look again after a few months. then you see which thoughts and feelings have moved at that time, and maybe write a new concept what you want to start with this thema. you may get ideas for a short story, for a dense or a romance etc.

writing good texts consists of many different phases of creation, ordering, planning, reworking and flying

this type of fingering exercise is a first step. However, it must not be evaluated as a finished text and applied accordingly. that completely knows the sense of fingering exercises.

it is and remains a fingering exercise, and you should keep going. a kind of automatic writing without mixing you with understanding and censorship, because he always wanted to tell you: don’t write that, that’s stupid, let the fingers of it! And this inner censor has already prevented some hopeful talent from becoming a good writer in the course of life. because the anxiety in front of the white sheet made sure that the white sheet was never “soaked” with a loose text, “wormed” or “corrected”.

So: keep the habit of getting loose text passages over and over without thinking much about it, and don’t take the critique too seriously about it, because it usually knows the sense of loose fingerings that just let a text flow out of you without thinking.

I am a member of an internet author group, who performs a writing marathon at times to end a manuscript, and in this writing marathon it is not quality, but only quantity, i.e. the number of words per day. that sounds nonsensical, but is the best exercise to get into a rash after a few minutes, which generates very living passages that could never arise if you were already paying attention to good quality and constantly stopped and thought about how to best formulate a set.

after a few months of distance to the resulting text, the next step begins: the first revision and then the second revision and so on. until the book can finally appear printable on the market.

more about this technology you can find on: https://www.nonsensente.de/schreib/nanowrimo/

1 year ago

sounds to me like you’ve mixed up your favorite passages from Romantasy books. At your age, it’s normal and completely okay. continue to practice.

1 year ago
Reply to  Wiegehtseuch34

Then I guess you’ve served yourself from movies or series. What you have written there are plucked from memory and not conclusively balanced (no wonder at 10min) passages of cliché formulations. With 12 this is no problem at all and a good exercise. Take more time for texts that are important to you and bring the passages together so that the reader can feel. You can also better pay attention to grammar with more time. Pleasure to continue

1 year ago

I have been playing multiplayer RPG for over 20 years and have written fanfiction myself earlier, I think I recognize such phrases very well;) but with 12 you do yourself with criticism hard, I don’t blame you. Reading more would certainly do your writing style well, and also grammar.

1 year ago

Not my thing but here Lolli for you

Ps: can recommend a good podcast

who will help you look by hobbylos you can listen to Spotify if you don’t have victims important with 5 stars 👍

You’re welcome