Wie findet ihr diesen Laptop im Gesamtpaket?
Sollte von allem etwas können (Gaming und Arbeit), aber tendenziell mehr zum Arbeiten genutzt werden.
Gebt mal bitte eine kurze Bewertung zu Prozessor, Bild- und Farbqualität, Anschlüsse, Preis, Akkulaufzeit, Wertigkeit, Größe und Speicherplatz ab
(Es ist der Intel Core i5-Version)
Edit 1: Setze Windows 11 voraus
It’s okay, but the battery is very small and also 8GB Ram are very little.
Here I find it better:
It’s okay for office applications and if you play small casual games at times.
So you can also play some more up-to-date games, but just with low sets.
But I don’t know if you have 8GB, but should be more than enough for office applications, I also have 8GB with my laptop, and I don’t get it so quickly.
Screen is relatively standard, to the battery I have now read on the fast nothing accurate.
Can you show me other computers that may not cost much more, but for that they are a little better in everything?
This one has a lesser billing performance, a stronger integrated graphics, which is really good for what it costs.
It costs almost 200€ less than yours, because of stronger I could still look.
Well, as far as the graphical unit is concerned, you will be served for a little more money.
If you are looking for a good graphics card, it can quickly become very expensive.
But wait, I have to see if I find the laptop for the quick again.
I’ll be able to take a look at you when you’re done.
HDMI has the laptop I sent the link.
you know something that has at least 2x USB type C Slots as well as at least 2x USB type A Slots and an HDMI
These are available on Amazon in various versions and price classes.
Very expensive. Look at this one
This is also really good at the price/performance ratio, as I find.
Well, the CPU is already significantly weaker, as is the battery. The TN display is also very bad, and the RAM is soldered
Is there nothing good about HP or Acer for under 800-900€?
The CPU has far more power than the i7 of my old gaming PC and that was the 2nd best model of this generation and the base…
This is completely different from your question.
What do you define as “good”?
I still use Uralt hardware today, which is still loose for such Office teeth.
Not according to benchmarks.
Not only in benchmarks:
Data sheet at Geizhals. Amazon is just useless for technical data
The Radeon 610M is significantly weaker than the Vega 7
Yeah, that’s the case with most of them, how do you know about the display/RAM? Test reports?
As for CPU performance, yes, it’s worse.
Thought the Ryzen 5 7520u would be better than the 5500u…
And he scores again through his iGPU.