Wie findet ihr diesen Laptop?

Ich hab mir heute den acer aspire 3 a315-24p-r47h gekauft und hab leider kaum eine Ahnung von Laptops,ich benötige den Laptop für das Studium zum lernen und möchte natürlich so wenig Geld wie möglich ausgeben. Der Laptop hat 499€ gekostet was schon viel Geld ist,online gibt es dazu aber nur wenige Reviews mit der selben Bezeichnung. Zur Auswahl stand auch der ASUS Vivobook 15 OLED M513UA-L1718W,war mir dann aber doch etwas zu teuer. Kann man mit meinem auch mal fortnite spielen oder so und war die Entscheidung gut?

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11 months ago

was the decision good?

as long as the device is sufficient for the tasks within your studies, yes.

Acer and Gaming, however, I think I’m a little…… I’m gonna say limit value!
Basically, this works already, but Acer has a problem with the Aspire models for years. And that is called -> lean cooling. So don’t be surprised if your device turns off under longer load. Then he’s just too warm and he has to cool a little.

Personally, the housings are a little too soft. The display could be a bit more robust. From this, Lenovo prefers me, which already feel a little more stable on the cheap devices.

11 months ago

Joa, that was a mistake, hopefully, a right to return. Only 8GB of soldered RAM and the CPU is quite old. Gaming you can completely forget the Radeon 610M is just enough to give a picture

The HP 255 G10 would have been a much better choice, even more than €110. Next time IN THE CHAIR: ask the purchase


11 months ago
Reply to  Dripster123

You write very dramatically, is it really so bad?

In view of the price and availability of significantly better and at the same time cheaper models

I can hardly imagine that a 500€ laptop is not even good enough for research, writing texts and looking zb yt?

That’s enough, at least if you don’t have too many tabs open in the browser and at the same time also Office, Discord, Spotify etc. With 8GB of RAM, you don’t get far anymore, 2GB go on for Windows, 1GB the iGPU sounds, just about 5GB left. And since he is unfortunately brazed, nix is also upgraded

11 months ago

The asus is not really better. Does ne have a better CPU than the HP you bought but looks old against the 7530U in the 255 G10

11 months ago

The minimum requirements for Fortnite are just going. Just try if it’s enough for you.