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Welches würdet ihr nehmen?
Hi, wollte fragen welches von beiden ihr besser findet und ob ihr noch Verbesserungsvorschläge habt, bin übrigens 12 1.Bild (aktueller) 2.Bild (älter)
Wie findet ihr meine zeichnung?
Von 1 bis 10 punkte bewerten.
There’s a good facility.
But – yes, now the big one comes – stay with a perspective. The skull looks like he was drawn directly from the side – the lower jaw, on the other hand, from half above. Or is that the tongue of the skeleton?
You worked very well with shadows around the eye – why not with the vertebrae?
Otherwise – clean!
Thank you, I wondered why this looks so strange
I find them right, super beautiful! 😍
My tip would be:
Don’t make the lower jaw so wide and a little more down. If it’s a skull of a wolf, you can look like a wolf’s skull. It can be seen that the lower jaw is significantly smaller than the upper jaw.
Otherwise everything has become really good
I wouldn’t have done that 😊
Best regards
Great. Only the lower jaw looks a little angular, but otherwise good
So I couldn’t, ned bad;-)
The lower jaw is too massive and too dark. Disturb the lines between cervical and flames. It is not clear what they are for.
Has momentum and expression, this often lacks more elaborate drawings.
It’s well placed on the side.
You could well draw comics/mangas.
Jo quite nice.