Wie findet ihr diese lustige Geschichte für Kinder? 😁?

Hi, mich würde interessieren wie ihr meine zweiteilige Comedy Kindergeschichte über eine Klopapierrolle namens Rolly findet. 😆

Nicht zu ernst nehmen, lol. Ist eine fiktionale Geschichte und sie steht für jeden zur freien Nutzung zur verfügung. ❤️

Ich wollte die Geschichte eigentlich einfach in den Fragentext einfügen jedoch ist sie zu lang und überschreitet das Zeichenlimit, daher findet ihr sie hier: https://pastebin.com/TdXb574P

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1 year ago

No big story, though the subject is very stupid in my eyes. But I have to let the “Moral” be a good one…

Nevertheless, I found some grammatical and contentious shortcomings:

In fact, at this moment a man entered the quiet place – we call him Mr Müller.

Why do we call him? You’re the author. You decide what your characters are called. This not concrete has lost nothing in a written history. Does he mean Mr Müller or not?

At the moment when Mr. Müller grabbed Rolly to tear a piece of toilet paper, the inconceivable happened: Rolly had to surrender himself to fear and disgust. A small fountain of white, semi-liquid paper pulp shot out of the roll and hit Mr. Müller in the middle of his face.

I know better when Rolly “takes out” and hops through the “still place” than that with the…

“That was the most fun thing I’ve ever seen! A toilet paper roll that gives up, it’s not! I will keep this moment forever in my memory.”

There are also no talking hygiene articles;) In addition, this section is formulated to “high night”. It does not fit into the style – as it is fomuliert.

A few days had passed since Rolly, the anxious toilet paper roll, handed over to Ekel and had hit poor Mr. Müller in the face with a paper chip.

There was two times: a few days had passed since Rolly, the anxious toilet paper roll, handed over to ecle had (that’s too much – sit there after “a comma…) and the poor Mr. Müller had hit his face with a paper-brow font.

1 year ago

I also find the implementation quite great!! 7/10

1 year ago

Pretty nonsens, but still funny. Not every story needs a deeper sense.